Chapter 21 - Brother

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A/N: This is the second update today.
Read Chapter 20 first, if you haven't.


(Wayo's POV)

"Mauthe, help me bring P'Pha!" I am shocked at what I am seeing. What happened to him?

Mauthe jumps from the bed then leans down beside me. I carefully put P'Pha down on Mauthe then tell him to bring P'Pha to the bed.

"But, if the blood gets all over the bed..."

Ming will be freaked out if he sees blood on my bed when he comes over but... argh, let's take care of that matter later. "I don't care about that right now! Just take him there, please!" I say to Mauthe as I scratch my hair.


Mauthe walks slowly then crawls on the bed, rolling P'Pha over to lie on his back on the bed. Mauthe tells me that these wounds are from sharp metals. There are bruises on P'Pha's wrists and ankles. As if he was chained.

"Mauthe, do you know any spell for light magic?!"

"I don't know... I have never met a light magic user before. I have met some light deities but I don't know the spells that humans use."

I bite my fingers in frustration. I have a light element but I don't know how to use it! Why am I so useless? I stomp my foot a lot of times then I decide try anything.

"Umm... recovery!" I reach my hands out towards P'Pha but nothing happens.

Fidgeting my fingers, I try to recall spells that might be fitting for light magic. "Revive! Heal! Umm.. Umm.."

Mauthe walks behind me then rubs my back with his tail, "Yo...."

"Wait, Mauthe. I know I can do this.. I know.... I can...." Tears flow down my cheeks while looking at the wounded friend in front of me. He went somewhere without telling me then he appeared days after in this condition?

Slowly, I sit on the bedside next to him. I caress his face, loosening up the frown on his face. He is the one full of blood but why am I also hurt? It hurts to see my friend in this state. I really hope that I can reduce his pain. I close my eyes as I hold his hand and place it on my cheek.

"Yo, your hands!"

I look at my hands that slowly shine in white light. "Mauthe, is this..."

"I guess so. Let's try it."

I put his hand down then I unbutton and take off P'Pha's shirt. I place my hands above his body, letting the lights from my hands shine on the wounds. I am amazed. Even though the stains of blood are still there, the wounds are closing slowly. There are so many bruises and cuts all over P'Pha's body, but I will heal all of them. I should. This is the only thing that I can do right now.

"Mauthe, take off his pants. I need my hands to shine above the wounds." I say to Mauthe as I concentrate my mana on my hands.

Mauthe sits on the bed, then rips the pants off with his fangs. "I am sorry, Yo. I can't think of any other way to do it."

"Don't worry, Mauthe. His pants are not wearable anyway with all those cuts."

I sit next to P'Pha as I hover my hands above him. Right now, I am trying to heal the wound on his right shoulder. The cut is too deep here, so it is taking a while to heal it. After the shoulder is healed, I move my hands to his stomach. The wounds are slowly healing after I place my hands on them.

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