Chapter 12 - Leave Me Alone

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(Ming's POV)

"N'Yo." "Yo." Both the seniors in front of me are calling my brother's name.

They look at each other for a while, then suddenly their facial expressions change. P'Pha is scanning P'Forth from head to toe, and vice versa. They were smiling a few seconds ago but now there are frowns on their face.

"Ai'Pha, don't tell me..." P'Forth looks over to Yo and then back to P'Pha.

"Don't tell you what?" P'Pha looks over to Yo and then back to P'Forth.

Don't tell me, these two... uh-oh, not gonna happen.

"Yo, go back to your friends." I say to Yo without turning around. 

"Huh? Okay. See you later~" He taps my shoulder, tickles me a little bit, then goes back to where the other students from his faculty are.

"Ahem." I clear my throat and make those two seniors look at me. "Just so you know, my brother might be clueless but I am not. I know how you're looking at my brother, P'Forth and P'Pha."

P'Pha blinks for a few times, then scans my face. "Your brother?!"

"Yes, Yo is my twin brother." I cross my arm.

"What are you guys doing? We have to go to the next faculty." Another voice comes then he grabs me and P'Forth. He is P'Lam, another senior from Engineering.

Shit. I almost forget that we should be going to another faculty. After knowing that P'Pha also has that face towards Yo, I can't just leave Yo here with him! But, if I don't go to the next place, I will surely get punished by my seniors. Sigh.

"P'Pha. I may have said that I won't be able to win if I challenge you. But. If you dare touch my brother, no matter if I win or not, I will definitely go all out with my magic against you." I give him a serious face but he only smirks at me.

He rubs his nose with his hand then says, "I can't promise that to anyone. I will touch him if I want to." What the fuck?!

I can feel anger building up in me. Unconsciously I have made the ground shake and crack as I glare at P'Pha. When some boulders are hovering around me, I see water covering all the rocks then freeze them into ice. The ice breaks, shattering all the rocks into dust. I turn my face to the source of that water magic, P'Forth. Well, at least he stopped me from hurting P'Pha with my earth magic.

"I am not kidding, P'Pha. If you do something to my brother, I won't hold back. The same goes for you, P'Forth." He then gives me a shocked look as if he can't believe I warn him the same thing.

Me and P'Forth follow the other engineering students and fly to the next faculty. I look back and see that P'Pha is smirking at me. That guy! If he does anything to Yo, I'll kick his ass. I don't care if he is a senior, a champion, or whatever.

(Wayo's POV)

I am about to run to Ming when I see his earth magic almost loses control. But then, I see P'Forth moving his hands and covering the rocks around Ming with water magic. What is going on there? Because I see that Ming has calmed down, I sit back again. Ming and the other engineering students then fly to their next destination.

"E'Yo, you have started World Magic War III." E'Montry covers his mouth with his hands then kicks my leg lightly.

"What are you talking about, E'Montry?" I try to ask him but then P'Pha comes to us and starts explaining about medicine faculty. When P'Pha stands in front of the students from faculty of arts, all people here stop talking then stare at him. Oh please.

"Okay, now. You have twenty minutes to tour around medicine faculty. These are for you." P'Pha says as he uses levitation magic to hand out mini-maps. A map for each student so they won't get lost when touring around the medicine faculty.

Okay that is mine... no, it flies over my head.

Now that one must be... damn it, the maps keep flying away from me to other students. Where is mine? Everyone has received one map each but none for me? I take a look at the one behind this prank, P'Pha. He goes to E'Montry and the others and tell them to go first, he even whispers something to them. Now, all students from my faculty start taking a tour around medicine faculty, except me. P'Pha is now walking to me.

"Why aren't you going, nong Yo?" Ugh, this smirk again.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you? Fine, I don't need the map. I will just go after my friends and join them."

"How? They are gone already and you don't know where they are."

"Well... I'll try my luck, bye."

I turn around and walk away from him when suddenly he grabs my arm from behind, pulling me close to him. He does this again, wrapping his hands around my waist. I try to push him away but damn he's overpowering me.

"How many times do I have to tell--"


Did he just kiss my cheek?!

"W-What... are you..." I can't believe this. I look him in the eye and he just smiles.

"Oh? Just a kiss on the cheek and you are already shy. I wonder how you'll react if I kiss..." He leans forward then whispers, "...your lips."

I gulp. I am sure he can hear the gulp. He is too close, like too freaking close. I don't know what to do, I can't even move my body. I feel like I am paralyzed or something. I blink my eyes as I see him slowly tilting his head, moving his lips closer... and closer...



I do an uppercut right on his chin. Though I can't use magic, I still know how to defend myself.

"Ow! Damn..." P'Pha lets go of my waist automatically then rubs his chin while whining in pain. Take that.

I can't believe that he almost kissed me. He is totally dangerous. I need to stay away from him. Take a deep breath, Wayo. Inhale... Exhale...

"Do. Not. Come. Any. Closer." I step back and warn him when he tries to walk to me.

"You are so fun, indeed. Don't you know that you're just making me more interested in you, nong Yo?"

"You are not just a freak, P'Pha. You are a masochist."

"Call me anything you want. It won't be enough to stop me." He shrugs then smirks again. 

I really want to punch him and erase that arrogant smirk from his face. But this is tiring. Acting tough like this is too tiring. Ming, I am tired...

(Phana's POV)

I walk to him even though he said not to come any closer to him. I cup his face with my hands then I smirk at him. I slowly lean forward to kiss him but then I stop.

I am about to tease him when suddenly he pouts and starts tearing up. W-Wait, why is he crying? Shit.

"Ummm... nong Yo?" I release my hands from his face and take a step back.

"P'Pha, leave me aloooone." He whines and tears flow down his cheeks. My heart skip a beat when I hear him whine.

Seeing him acting all mighty makes me want to tease him as much as I can. But now, seeing him crying and burying his face in his hands makes me... lose my mind.

What should I do now?!

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