Chapter 30 - Dinner

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A/N: Be prepared for something.
Yeah. I am looking forward to your reaction haha.


(Wayo's POV)

P'Pha heaves a sigh as he looks at Mauthe. When he turns his attention back to me, I can't help but look down. He is still cupping my face in his hands, holding my cheeks gently. Unconsciously, I am licking my lips as I remember the earlier kiss. That was my first time being kissed on the lips. It felt... awesome.

"Are you doing that to tease me?" He asks then gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

Looking down, I feel my cheeks heating up because of what he did just now. He kissed my lips twice.

"Look at me, nong Yo."

He then keeps kissing my cheeks to make me look at him. I put my hands on P'Pha's, trying to free my face from his touch. "P'Pha, stop..."

He doesn't let go of my face. P'Pha keeps holding it while trying to make me look at him. I want to look at him, but I am shy. It's not like I want to act like this. People have been kissing my cheeks since I was little, I am quite used to it. But it's different when P'Pha is the one doing it.

Suddenly, he raises my face up using his hands. I collect my courage and look him in the eye. But when I do that, he gives me a peck on the lips. Hence, I am looking down again now.

I hit his chest lightly as I tell him again, "P'Pha, I said stooop..."

He raises his hands in the air after I whine. "Okay, okay."

This is more than I can ask for. Knowing that he doesn't have something going on with P'Pring is already enough for me, but he keeps giving me more than what I expected. Not that I complain though.

I take a glance at P'Pha, he is smiling at me again. To distract myself from his stare, I turn my attention to Mauthe. "Let's go to the grocery store, Mauthe."

When I try to walk away from the bed with Mauthe, P'Pha grabs my arm gently and asks me. "Why are you going there, nong Yo?"

I smile at P'Pha. "To buy some things so I can cook for you, P'Pha. Aren't you hungry?"


(Beam's POV)

It's my car but he is the one driving. We had a little argument about who's going to drive earlier but then I gave up. He kept saying that 'you're going to be tired' and 'just let me drive so you can relax.' He is treating me as if I am pregnant.

I texted him that I wanted to sort things out. That's all. But then he replied that he's okay, he's not hurt, he has eaten something this morning after waiting in front of my room, and others. It's as if he knew what I tried to type when texting him. It's so weird. Is he a psychic?

Talking about it at the dorms won't be comfortable so we decide to talk outside the university area while we have dinner. Pha and Kit have nothing to do with this so I can't ask them to come along.

We are currently going to that hotpot restaurant. He likes that place and I don't mind going there. It's so quiet in the car so he decides to play the songs from his playlist. He asks for my permission to use the music player and I let him. I kind of want to know what songs he has in his playlist. He plugs his flash drive into the speaker then his favorite songs start to play.

Forth has tattoos and ripped jeans so I kind of guessed that this would be his genre. "You sure love hardcore music, Ai'Forth." 

He flashes a smile to me, "Yeah. Aren't the songs good?"

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