Chapter 49 - The Power of Shadow

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(Phana's POV)

The lab ended sooner than I thought it would.

Me and my friends are sitting near the yard to relax. We talk about how boring the lab was, how cruel the professor was, and other stuff. But then, we have something else to talk about when I notice Ming's car in front of our faculty building.

"Ai'Kit. It seems your boyfriend is here to pick you up." Beam nudges Kit's side.

That's new. I haven't heard of his relationship. "You finally date him? I am amazed. Knowing your personality, I knew that you would give in sooner or later."

Kit seems angry because of what we say. "What is wrong with you two? He is a guy! Why would I date a guy?"

Beam shakes his head. "Hey, I am dating Forth. He is a guy but there's nothing wrong about it. Chill, Ai'Kitty."

That's right. "Dating someone isn't about being with a guy or a girl. It's about liking that person, don't you think?" I ask Kit.

"Okay, let's just say that you two are right. But, I don't like him. Okay?" What a lie. He thinks he can lie to us both.

I turn my face to Beam and raise my eyebrows. Beam does the same to me. "Just let him say whatever he wants, Ai'Pha. He will definitely come to us asking for advice when his cherry is finally popped."

"Let's go, Ai'Beam. The cherry popper is here." I stand up from my seat and drag Beam with me.

"Good luck, Ai'Kitty~" Beam teases Kit with a smirk.

Ming greets us then sits next to Kit. We leave them alone and walk towards the parking lot. Along the way, I open my phone and see that there's a reply from Yo around an hour ago. He answered all my questions in one message.

My babe: "Class was boring, P'Pha. I had lunch with my friends. There were people staring at me, but don't worry because my friends shooed them off. I couldn't reply because I was trying to focus on the class. What about you? Shouldn't you focus on your lab? I am fine. Study well, P'Pha. Don't neglect your lab. I am going to go to the city to eat some cakes but my friends can't go with me. Can I go alone?"


Did he actually go alone? I dial his phone number right away and thankfully he picks up the call. "Hello, nong Yo? Where are you right now?" I scratch my hair because of a little bit of frustration. He can't go alone to the city.

"What's wrong, Ai'Pha?" Beam looks worried.

I can hear someone's voice but it's not Yo's. It's quite faint so I can't tell what he is telling Yo. "Okay, sir." He talks to that someone. "Hello, P'Pha. I am currently in the cake shop in the city. Why are you calling? I thought you would be busy until late."

"Who is that? Is that a guy's voice? Why are you there with another guy?! Wait, I'll go there." I walk quickly to my car, leaving Beam dumbfounded.

Yo giggles as if I was funny. "I am with an older man, P'Pha. Why can't I eat cakes with a man?" He asks me nonchalantly.

I am stunned.

My mouth is hanging open.

This can't be true.

My Yo has just told me that he's with an older man.

Shaking my head a few times to get my sanity back, I quickly get into the car and start driving towards the city. "Text me the name of the shop! I am going there now!" I hang up the phone. 

(Wayo's POV)

"You are right, sir. He overreacted and now he is on the way here." I giggle then tell Mr. Panitchayasawad the result of his idea.

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