Chapter 18 - The Abandoned Two

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A/N: I plan to give you a quadruple update because I am so excited to share this story hahaha. The next chapter will be out in a couple hours.


(Wayo's POV)

I see P'Pha entering a purple magic circle after he smiles to me. Where is he going and where did that creature take P'Park to?

"Yo, you okay? Who did this to you? Are you hurt somewhere?" Ming cups my face with his hands then checks my body if there is any bruise.

I am about to tell him to stop but then my attention is turned to the dog behind him who's giving me a guilty look, "Mauthe! You're okay!" Running to Mauthe, I hug him around his neck. Well, Mauthe is a big dog so I can't really hug him. His neck is enough.

"Asshole Yo, you're supposed to worry about yourself! Are you okay? What did the guy do to you?" I suddenly become speechless as I remember what that guy did to me. I bury my head in Mauthe's neck, then he growls to Ming.

Ming pulls me away from Mauthe, scolding both Mauthe and me. "Why are you concerned about this familiar being okay? Mauthe should be the one concerned about your safety because he really did a great job in it!"

I can hear Mauthe wailing in a low volume. "It wasn't Mauthe's fault! It wasn't..." I can't stop my tears because it's my fault. If I was able to defend myself, none of this would have happened.

"Master Yo... please don't cry..." Mauthe says to me through telepathy as he licks the tears on my cheeks.

"I am not crying, Mauthe..." I reply to him.

"M-Master, you..."

Eh? Did I just reply to him using telepathy? So, I really did awaken my element. No, I should not tell the others about this, especially Ming. I can't, not now. This is not the right time. "Mauthe, please keep this a secret for now. Promise me."

"I will keep your secret with my life, Master Yo."

"I don't need you to sacrifice your life..." I chuckle a little bit because Mauthe never changes, always saying he'd sacrifice his life.

I walk out of the room and see so many people outside. I also see the fairy witches here. "E'Yo, what ha--" E'Montry slaps E'Dragon's mouth.

"Let's take you to your room." E'Montry then wraps his arm around my shoulders and slowly leads me to my room.

There are so many people talking about dark magic as we walk to my room. But I am really not interested in their topic right now because I am still shocked of what happened.

Standing in front of my room, I stop and turn around right away. "Please turn on the lights first, E'Montry..."

"Huh? Okay." He walks into the room and clicks the button.

My room is packed now. The fairy witches occupy the couch, Ming is sitting next to me on the bed, and P'Kit and P'Beam are sitting on the bed side.

P'Kit and P'Beam say that they came to this dorm to secretly observe P'Pha because P'Pha wanted to see me. But then, they showed up after seeing me surrounded by so many people.

"Do you know that he's a dark magic user, P'Kit?" Ming asks P'Kit as he rubs my hand gently.

P'Kit seems a little bit annoyed then ask him back, "Why are you asking me? I don't know."

"Can we please talk about this later? Where is Mauthe, Ming?" Hearing me asking about Mauthe, he crosses his arm then gives me an unimpressed look.

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