Chapter 53 - Wizards Rumble!

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(Kit's POV)

After everyone chose to go back, Ming drove me back to the dorm of faculty of medicine. I don't know what's going on about Yo's room and it seems Ming doesn't get any message from Yo about it. We will know sooner or later.

"P'Kit, the tournament is really close. Tomorrow, I'll be fighting for our university. You will come and cheer for me, right? I'll win the tournament for you." Ming says to me before I get out of the car. We are already in front of my dorm now.

"Are you still talking about that? Do you think that tournament is a joke? Don't promise things that you can't keep." I am not impressed. Sure, it's kind of sweet to know someone is fighting to win the title for you. But, it really doesn't matter if he wins or not. If he says that he will do his best for me, I would have been happy about it. I don't care about victory. He says that he wants me to accept him if he wins.

What if he doesn't?

That will just hurt him because he's the one who sets that goal.

"But... I want to win it for you." He gives me a sad look.

I heave a sigh, then cross my arm looking at him. "Have I ever asked you to win the tournament for me? You should win the tournament for yourself. It will be the result of your hard work if you win, so you should credit yourself. Win it for yourself because you have been training hard at the camp. I don't need your victory."

"But if I don't win that tournament, how can I win you? I don't know what else I can do to impress you, P'Kit. Everything doesn't seem to impress you..." He pouts at me.

"Everything doesn't impress me because you are not doing it for yourself. You keep telling me that you do something because of me. You are making me a bad person if I don't thank you or be grateful for what you do. On the other side, I have never asked you to do anything for me."

"Then what should I do?"

"You still need to ask? I want you to stop doing things for me. Do things for yourself, Mingkwan."

"Okay." He then stares at me. "So, if I do what I want, for myself, you're going to be impressed?"

"Of course."

I should have regretted what I said earlier. It's like I was giving him permission to do anything he wanted to do. That Mingkwan... he just stole my first kiss!

He caught me off guard. Earlier, Ming suddenly held my head with his hands on either side then pressed his lips on mine. He was kissing me but I could only blink my eyes. My first kiss. He stole my first kiss.

I am still stunned because of what happened. Ming takes the chance to give me my second kiss right after the first one. I finally come back to my sense and push him away. "Y-You!!"

"What? You told me to do things for myself..." He whines.

"You... my...." I touch my lips with my fingers.

I quickly get out of his car then run into my dorm. Why is my heart beating so fast? This is not right. He just stole my first and second kiss nonchalantly. He is a good kisser. No. Kitthapat, calm your mind. But his lips feel so good. No. Kitthapat, you should be angry at him, not complimenting him inside your mind!

Still fighting with my inner self, I unlock my door and get into my room. What was he thinking? We're not even boyfriends but he kissed me?! I should stay away from him for now. Yes. But I already booked the hotel near the venue so I can watch him fight in the tournament. Well, Beam and I did book it together but still... I used money for that. Argh.

I wash my face in the bathroom then stare into the mirror. "He kissed me."

The next day

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