Chapter 43 - The Hype of Wizards Rumble

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(Kit's POV)

We are currently at the place where students from all over the world can register to join Wizards Rumble. It's really hot in here because it's a sunny day and this place is crowded. There are so many magic users around.

There are some familiar faces that I have seen before. They are the participants from last year and I am sure they are joining the tournament again. Beam and I were here to watch Pha last year so I can quite remember his opponents because I saw them in person. We even talked to each other a little.

It's really crowded and noisy here but this guy seems so energetic and happy. I am sweating all over because of the heat but he doesn't seem to be bothered by how hot this place is.

"Mingkwan, don't move too fast. I can't keep up." I say to him as I take his pictures.

He keeps changing his poses quickly as if he is a model. I am not a photographer and I can't keep up if he moves too fast. The pictures are going to be blurry if he can't stay still for a while.

Suddenly, a tough-looking guy comes to him and says, "Hey, may I take pictures with..."

"Sure." Ming cuts him off then wraps his arm around the guy's shoulders.

That guy quickly gets his hand off him. "Not with you, P'. I want to take pictures with this person. Please help me take the pictures." He points his finger at me then gives his phone to Ming.

Umm.. what is happening right now? I am not attractive, and why is it a guy that wants to take pictures with me?!

Ming takes the pictures with a forced smile on his face and I can feel that the ground is kind of shaky. Well, this is fun somehow. I wrap my arm around the guy's waist as Ming takes our pictures. Ming is now glaring at me. I am pretty sure he is going to pout after this.

After the guy leaves, here comes the puppy. "P"Kiiit." Sigh. I am so tired all of the sudden. Ming stands beside me then tries to take pictures with me. He makes me wrap my arm around his waist like I did earlier to that guy. I don't look at the camera. I am looking away because it's quite embarrassing to stand this close to him. He is too close that I can feel his body warmth.

Okay, Kitthapat, calm down.

I look up to see him then our lips almost meet because he is facing me right now. "L-Let's go..." I push him away then walk towards his car. Technically, I am walking but it's fast enough to be called as running.

We are done with the administration stuff for the Wizards Rumble. Ming seems so happy that he will be able to brag to his brother that he will compete in this tournament. I have found out that Ming has been wanting to join this competition since his highschool year. I am happy that he can actually join it.

If he does his best, I am pretty sure he can meet Pha in the finals. Now I wonder, have Pha registered himself though? I don't think he has said anything about the tournament to me nor Beam.

"P'Kit." Ming calls me and snaps me out of my thoughts. He is opening his car door for me, then I walk into the car right away. The door is closed by him too.

"Where are we going to go after this?" I ask him as he starts driving the car away from the venue.

"I don't know. Do you want to go somewhere, P'?" Ming asks me while focusing on the road.

After thinking for a little bit, I am pretty sure I don't have anywhere that I want to go to at the moment. "Not really."

"Then... can we go to the city? We can look around, buy some things, and relax for a while. It was tiring to wait for me earlier, right? I also want to buy something. Yo really liked it when we first came to the city in this land."

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