Chapter 44 - Kissing in Public

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(Wayo's POV)

Yesterday, P'Pha and I bought necessary things for me to join the Wizards Rumble. The only thing I need left is the recommendation letter from the chancellor of my university. We are going to meet him soon and I can't wait to get the letter.

I am honest when I say to P'Pha that I want to use this tournament as a chance to show my light magic to the world, so my parents know that I am here. I have tried asking Aether about my parents but she didn't tell me anything. She said my parents would go to me and reveal themselves. She promised my parents not to tell me anything yet. I also asked about the light clan but she chose to keep her mouth shut also.

That's why I didn't have a choice but to join this tournament. I have been waiting to know who my real parents are. Do I really have to wait 'again'? Waiting for them to come by themselves is not enough for me. I want to show my effort. By showing myself, I hope they will show themselves as well.

"Why are you so serious, hm?" P'Pha pinches my cheeks.

"Don't pinch my cheeeks, they hurt..." He is pinching them too hard.

When he hears me whine, he lets go of my cheeks then caresses them right away. "Sorry, sorry..." He pulls his hands from me then kisses my cheeks. "Pain, pain, go away~"

I laugh at how childish P'Pha is. No. It's not him being childish, he is treating me like a little child! "P'Pha, I am not a kid. Don't treat me like that."

"Oh? Then you prefer me treating you like this?" He suddenly presses his lips on mine, slipping his tongue into me, kissing me deeply until I can't contain my moans. I try to push him away but he overpowers me easily.

I hit his chest lightly after he breaks the kiss."People will see us..."

"I don't care." He shrugs then kisses me again.

We are currently waiting in front of the chancellor's office. After a while, he finally comes to his office with a lot of shopping bags in his hands. I can see some toys in them. Well, it doesn't matter if he has that hobby but wait... is he the chancellor?

"Sir, aren't you the one who helped me that time?" I ask him as we follow him into his office.

He sits on his chair then replies to me. "Yes, I am. Take a seat, please." This smile again. It's kind of weird to see him smiling at me like that. His smile is not creepy, but the comfort it gives me is creeping me out.

Oh right. I need to ask him this. "I am pretty sure I saw you using light magic that time. Who are you?"

"He is..." P'Pha tries to answer instead but the chancellor cuts him off. "The master of Aether Clan. Though the clan has no member at the moment." Mr. Chancellor gives me a dry smile.

"The... clan master?!" I should say I am happy to know that the clan master is still alive but this is quite confusing.

"I don't know why you two are here but... Phana, can you leave us alone for a moment?" He asks P'Pha.

Without answering, P'Pha makes me stand behind him. "What is it this time? Holding him that time wasn't enough, now you want a private time with my boyfriend, sir?"

Holding me that time? What is P'Pha talking about?

"Trust me, I won't do anything to your boyfriend. Can you wait outside, Phana? It won't take long." Mr. Chancellor points his hand towards the door.

P'Pha whispers to me. "If he touches you, scream and I'll come here right away. Stand five meters away from him. Understood?" He can just use telepathy but he chooses to whisper this loud. P'Pha certainly wants the chancellor to hear him.

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