Part 1

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After the ten glorious nights in France, we return to Minnesota and resume our lives. Prince fully playing the part of doting husband, and wants me near him at all times. He requests that I terminate my 'job' at The Garden by the Woods, as well as my volunteering efforts at the Arboretum. With it being winter in Minnesota, my separation from both places is a simple enough transition, since I had already been limiting my time at either place.

For something for me to do, he suggests I help with the designing and merchandising aspects for the upcoming Hit N Run tours, due to begin in March. Even though I have no experience, I'm teamed up with people who do, and Prince is pleased when I learn all that I can, even quicker than was expected. Now he has me at Paisley, working for him and with him, spending as many hours there as he does. We both consider it a win win, except for the fact that our push to conceive no longer seems a priority with our super busy schedules.

In November, I get pulled aside by Marcus, he has some very important news to share, but it leaves me floored. He had just come from Prince's office, effectively turning in his two week notice. Marcus has decided to move to Tennessee and pursue his relationship with Angel, and as much as I am happy for the both of them, I'm devastated to lose such a good friend and sometimes confidante. The other thing he wants to discuss is Angel's original six month lease agreement on the house since it's due to expire. They were wondering if I was willing to contract a new month-to-month agreement for them. This way they could readily move out and into a new home together when the time was right. Happy to have them stay on as tenants, even temporarily, I get the new agreement drawn up as quickly as possible.

At the end of December and beginning of January, with everything squared away nicely with the tour planning, Prince and I began some extensive traveling to a handful of tropical areas. We head to the caribbean, Bora Bora, anywhere the temperature is warmer than the Minnesota winter, and where we can have ultimate privacy. With the traveling, Prince is still excited to show me places, and still seems entertained by my fascination with taking pictures. Soon, though, he starts to complain of headaches. More times than not near the end or our holiday, I was prompted to adventure out on my own to explore the exotic sights.

Shortly after the onset of the headaches, the mind blowing mood swings begin as the opening dates for the tour approaches, he now seems not to want me around at all. When we had returned home briefly in February, he opted to stay closed up at Paisley Park, not once stepping foot into our home. When the tour began in mid March, he immediately returned to Mr. Congeniality, wanting me close and treating me like a queen, blatantly flaunting me at every opportunity. Out of the public eye, however, I was ignored and isolated, and by May he was insisting that I stay in Minnesota while he completed the remainder of the tour. I refused to leave his side as he finished the tour, fearing there would be publicity about me being absent and rumors of possible marital discord. I was equally concerned with the large numbers of female fans who were unabashedly throwing themselves at his feet. I knew at that moment we were not being intimate, so I wasn't about to leave that window of opportunity open for him to take advantage of.

The tour finally wraps up mid June, and once back home, he immerses himself into revisiting the Hit N Run albums he had started on last year, as well as remastering the Purple Rain album, now that he had his rights back. As our marriage seemed to be on a downward spiral, I fought harder, taking over as many responsibilities as I could at Paisley Park in my attempt to stay close and to impress him with all my efforts and hard work. This didn't go unnoticed, and he finally began to come back around emotionally after the Phase 1 album was released in September.

With our first anniversary approaching on October 24, he surprised me by suggesting we take a small weekend trip to Tennessee to visit the vineyard and to hide away in the same penthouse we had utilized when we got married. Our non existent love life didn't fully reignite, but we were compelled to make love in the vineyard on the night of our anniversary, and again in the penthouse the morning before returning home. These acts were not the same hot, steamy, sexcapades I had grown accustomed to in the beginning, but the slow, deliberate couplings of two people trying their best to reconnect spiritually, emotionally and physically.

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