Part 2

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The announcement of Prince's Piano and a Microphone tour coming to nearby Atlanta, Georgia is announced, but to me, it feels like a knife running across a fresh wound.

Angel and Marcus's move to a new home turns out to be perfect timing, because I was able to return to the Tennessee house. I, however, am barely functioning.

With the house being paid for, I'm currently living off my nest egg from Angel's deposited rent money from the past two years. Days turn into weeks without me getting dressed or even leaving the house, let alone looking for a job.

I spend full days in my bed, even prepping the garden for Spring can't pull me out of this dark hole of despair. Everything reminds me of Prince and our whirlwind relationship, especially gardening, that I used to consider my escape.

On one of my rare trips to the mailbox, I receive a small manila envelope. I immediately recognize the handwriting my name and address is written in, my stomach flips. I tear it open, bracing myself for the worst, how else can he possibly hurt me? A small lavender note and four tickets for The Piano and A Microphone matinee show in Atlanta are enclosed. I let the contents fall onto the kitchen counter and I return to hiding in my bedroom.

Later, when my stomach wakes me pleading for food, I go back into the kitchen. The note and tickets call to me, screaming for my attention, I decide to at least read what he wrote. I open the note:


I know the first thing you're going to want to do is tear these tickets in half. I beg of you not to.

Please come to the show, I need to see you.


I drop the note back onto the table. Now he needs to see me? I think. I sigh, I have plenty of time to think about it before the date of the show. I go into the kitchen, pulling a pizza delivery box from the fridge, I remove a cold slice and return to my bedroom as I eat.

Days pass and I call Angel and tell her about the tickets, "You're not going are you?!" She's astonished by his audacity.

"I was thinking about it," I admit. Something tells me I need to be there, but I don't share this nonsense with her.

"It's a three hour drive," Angel counters, but then softens, she knows I still love him. "Dana, we'll go, but only on one condition." I wait, "We make it an overnight trip, and you let us pay for the hotel." I stare into space, I'm not sure I'm actually able to leave the house, let alone pretend to be okay overnight. "Dana?" Angel prompts.

"Overnight, yes, and we split the cost of hotel, I'll drive." I counter.

There's a brief hesitation, and a sigh from Angel, "Deal! Now, pick yourself out a pretty dress, I'll find us a room."

If only she knew that all my pretty dresses are still smashed in garbage bags in the back of my car.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now