Part 16

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Tyka and her husband only stay for a little while longer. After our deeper discussion, we lighten things up by reminiscing about the good times.  Tyka even brings up events from their childhood, leaving me with more reasons to smile instead of cry.

I sign the paperwork for the vineyard, and I'm given my Gift Deed for the three acres. I see that my particular section is at the end of the property, with a fair amount of street frontage. It's also zoned as commercial, and I frown at the little diagram. Surely, Prince had a vision in mind when he made the Gift Deeds, I'll just have to figure it out. 

When they're ready to leave, Maurice gives me an awkward partial hug, but Tyka pulls me tight. "There may be a piece of paper that says otherwise, but you're still family.  Don't you dare be a stranger."

"I won't," I promise her.

"I'll be in touch, I've got my orders to keep an eye on you and that little one," she points to my stomach. "I'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy," she says as strokes my arm soothingly before she turns to go. 

I stand at the top of my drive and wave as they leave, suddenly I feel very alone again.  I look at my wedding rings, then at Prince's, I take a deep breath and return to the house, the envelope is calling me. 

I sit down at my kitchen table and carefully cut the top, the envelope is mostly full of papers and two USB flash drives fall onto the table when I pull the stack free.  I notice everything is facing one way, and there's another sealed envelope on the bottom, which reads: open last in Prince's handwriting. 

I flip the pile over, it's an elegant postcard RSVP for the fundraiser Prince had in Tennessee, the beginning, I think as I set it aside.  A loose piece of paper with just my name and this address scrawled on it, Prince was in a hurry, I smile.  Another few loose papers with addresses, the hotel where he picked me up when I met Aaron, and the hospital where I was at with my injured knee all in Prince's script.  A receipt from a local furniture store for the delivery of the chaise to the vineyard.

As I set each piece of paper aside, tears start to form in my eyes, he kept all these things. Adjusted invoices for the uniform for the event. A real estate information printout for our house in Minnesota. Note paper with a badly scrawled address that I recognize as the hospital Marcus took me to when I had the miscarriage, my hand instinctively moves to my stomach. A phone number for a florist, with purple callas circled below it.  An invoice from the jewelry store in LA for the complete bridal set I'm wearing now.  

Our whole relationship comes together with each piece of the puzzle and the tears slip from my eyes.  The article from the rag mag exposing Prince's engagement.  A clipping from the Chanhassen paper with our engagement announcement. More addresses, phone numbers, and names which indicate the planning of our wedding. A receipt for the camera he purchased me. Personalized stationery from the villa in France where we honeymooned. Then comes a couple Hit N Run tour write ups.  Finally, a small flyer announcing the Piano & A Microphone Gala event at Paisley, and the other sealed envelope. 

I pick up the USB drives and bring them into the spare room. I plug one in and everyone of our engagement photos flood the screen, my hand covers my mouth and the tears flow freely now.  The other USB is inserted, these are our wedding pictures.  I collapse into the desk chair and drop my head to the desk and sob uncontrollably. Our beautiful life together, now only memories.

After a short while, I'm able to calm myself and return to the table.  I take a deep breath and open the last envelope, there are two CDs enclosed and a note sized envelope. The CDs are unmarked except for two hearts, one inside the other. The envelope has a more detailed heart drawing, this one I'm afraid to open. 

When I do, I find two pieces of paper, the top one is handwritten lyrics:

Little darling, gotta go now
Don't know when I'll be coming back
Got my future all planned out
Got my bags packed
Things don't always turn out right
That's just the way it goes
Before I leave u
There's just a few things u should know

Don't talk to strangers
Don't 4get to say u're prayers at night
Remember God, He made u
And 1 day He'll make everything alright
Don't cross on the yellow
U've always got 2 wait 4 a green light
Remember God, He made u
And 1 day He'll make everything alright

Little darling, gotta go now
Don't worry, u'll be just fine
When it comes to good luck
I know, I just know u'll always be the first in line

Nobody'll ever love u as much as I do
But that doesn't mean other people won't love u 2


I flip to the second page:


You know I let my songs speak for me, "destiny and love don't always go hand in hand."

Unfortunately, sharing everything was something I couldn't do.  Somehow in my need to protect you, I still managed to break your heart and for that, I am eternally sorry. 

The music on the CDs, I recorded especially for our baby.  I regret not being able to play the music in person and see our baby's reaction. 

Please know my love for you is undying, and I'll be waiting for you when you come back home.

X O X ~ Prince

His last chance to share and he still couldn't do it, but the contents of the envelope speaks volumes about this man's heart.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now