Part 6

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The next day, Angel shows up uninvited at my house. I answer the door in the same clothes I had put on when I returned home from Atlanta. She walks right into my kitchen and sits down at the table, "Girl, we need to talk." She sets down a small brown paper bag next to her.

"Okay?" I'm having a hard time trying to figure out if she's mad or concerned.

"I went online to balance my checkbook this morning. You know what I found?" I shake my head. "There was a $50,000 deposit made to my account last night, and I got this today," she hands me a note, it's Prince's handwriting.


I deposited some money into your account to go towards Derik's college fund.

I know one day he'll make his Mama proud.


Uncle Prince

I sigh, "Angel, Prince and I had talked about all the money you were paying for rent, and that I didn't really need it. Our plans were to set up an account for Derik's college fund, returning your money to you, plus some. So, yeah, I can see why he did it."

"Okay, but why now?"

I shake my head, "Honey, you know as well as I do that man never made sense. There's no telling, maybe because he saw you with me at the concert the other night, who knows?" I shrug.

Angel pushes the little brown paper bag toward me, and for some weird reason, I assume it's Prince's money, and I push it back. "No, if he wanted you to have it, keep it. You know he loves that child."

Angel's serious, "This is not the money," she pushes it back.

I frown as I take the bag, it feels like a small box inside. When I open the bag, I look up at her puzzled, "A pregnancy test? Angel! Do you think you're pregnant?!"

I leap out of my chair. I'm so excited with the prospect of her and Marcus having a baby that her glaring doesn't register right away. "No," Angel says firmly, "I think you're pregnant. When was the last time you had sex with Prince?"

I sit back down, "The day he sent me packing," I cover my face as the tears start. Her asking that question brought that whole horrible day back.

"The same day?!"

"That morning," I choke back tears, "it was beautiful, he was so tender." I pause to blow my nose, "Hours later, he had me in his office, I was dismissed."

"That was March what?"

I have to think for a minute, "He flew home between shows. Canada." I throw out tidbits as I remember. "He did Montreal, and came home that night." I grab my phone and Google the date, "He was home the morning of March 22."

"And today is April 16. When was your last period?"

I stare at her, then hold up my finger when I remember the calendar from the office that I kept track of my periods on. I run out to the car and return quickly, I know I'm pale as walk through the door. I sit down at the table, and plop the calendar down for her to see, March 10 is circled in red.

"Come on," she says as she stands, "Grab the bag, but I already know you're pregnant."

I grab the bag and follow her into the bathroom where we read the directions. I pull out a test and situate myself over the toilet, peeing on the tip before capping it and setting it on the counter by the sink. It's supposed to take five minutes, but the second pink line starts to show up almost immediately.

I slide down the wall, dropping to the floor, my knees folded up to my chest, "No, no, no, this can't happen now." I start to sob, "We tried so hard, it's not fair."

Angel drops to her knees beside me, "You need to call him, he needs to know."

I shake my head, "I signed the papers, Angel, we're done."

"Do you still love him?" I nod. "Dana, he needs to know, it's his baby."

"Okay, I'll call him, but I need a couple days, alright?" I stare straight ahead, "I need to wrap my mind around all this and I need to get to a doctor."

Angel sighs, "Okay, a couple days won't matter, and I have a great doctor if you're interested?"

"Yes, please. Angel?" She looks at me. "Thank you for coming over today. I hadn't been taking care of myself, but now I know, it's not just about me."

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang