Part 76

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After our visit to Paisley Park, the rest of our stay in Minnesota seems almost surreal.   The next day, I get a rare opportunity to meet with both Shelby and Kim one last time before they head off on their ventures and I readily accept it.  Leaving Anastasia with Tyka for the day, we end up having a 'girls day' of sorts.  Window shopping and an early dinner where we reminisce a little while longer before we have to say our goodbyes. 

Shortly before Anastasia and I prepare to head back to Tennessee, Kirk keeps his promise by coming by to see just what she can do on the drums.  Needless to say, he's impressed and compliments her profusely.  "Girl, you're only six years old and you could give me a run for my money," Kirk laughs. 

I laugh along with him, but unfortunately for Kirk, the statement is true.  I would never dare tell him that  to his face, but I've always felt he had been the weakest drummer Prince had ever employed.  So, yes, at six, Anastasia's skills are quite promising already.

It seems only like weeks, not months, as our time in Minnesota draws to a close for the summer.  Deja Vu washes over me as we stand in my driveway, saying our farewells to Tyka, that is, until she comes down to visit us during the winter.  This temporary goodbye is always the hardest, but once we get back home, our busy lives quickly take over and the sadness soon fades. 

Anastasia seems deep in thought during the flight, and when we touch down in Tennessee.  On our way home, she looks hopeful when she asks, "Can we can stop by that vineyard?"

I look at her in the rear view mirror, "Um, sure, if you want to."  When she nods, I smile and joke, "I guess I could use some wine."

Stepping foot onto the vineyards grounds  proves to be just as difficult for me as it was to visit Paisley Park, although I have to say, all of my memories here are good ones.

Somewhere, a little piece of this is mine, I think to myself as we enter the small building that serves as a shop to the public. 

"Dana?!" I can hear the disbelief in the voice. 

"Garrett," I say with a smile and extend my hand. 

Garrett frowns at my extended hand, then laughs. "You've been away too long.  You know that's not how we do things around here," he quickly pulls me in for a hug.  When I'm released, he looks down, "And who do we have here?"

"This is Anastasia, our daughter," I introduce her.

A solemn expression flashes across Garrett's face, but he quickly recovers and his friendly smile returns. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Anastasia." 

"You, too," she smiles and nods politely before wandering off to pursue a small area set aside for souvenirs and trinkets. It's as if she knows we're going to be there for a little while. 

After Garrett passes on his condolences, we play a quick game of catch up. The vineyard is continuing to do very well. Since it had been purchased, then gifted back to them, they have managed to stay well into the black.  I ask about the portion of land that Prince had gifted me. "Oh, it's a lovely piece. It's at the edge of the vineyard and has great road frontage.  We've been surprised that you haven't done anything with it yet." 

With those words, my eyes glaze over a bit as my mind wanders.  "Yeah," I sigh, "it's zoned commercial, though."  He nods knowingly, so I add, "It's just nice to know that a little piece of this still belongs to me." 

This peaks Anastasia's interest, "You own some of this vineyard?" 

"Um, hm, sort of," I nod nonchalantly, looking around to see if we are alone in the shop and we are. 

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