Part 39

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I wake in the hotel room with a smile, swimming in the pool last night must have triggered the memories that surfaced in my dreams. It was Prince and I swimming together in a pool surrounded by rocks and waterfalls.  The pool itself was like so many of the ones we had swam in our travels that I couldn't pinpoint the location, yet the fun we had together was tangible in the dream.  Whenever I shared times like this with him, I never cared where we were anyway.

I swing my feet to the floor knowing full well that, now that I'm awake, I am stuck alone in the here and now, and still hundreds of miles away from where I need to be.   I stumble into the bathroom, shower, dress, then repack my overnight bag, all before I open the curtains over the single window in the hotel room. The sky is that weird mix of light and night, I stand there watching the horizon for a few minutes as it changes color.  I can't help but think, like I have on many occasions since Prince left the earth, how weird it is that everything just keeps moving on, including myself, while another part of me is so stuck.  I stroke my belly and smile, trying to see the positive, "It's just me and you, kid.  Let's do this." 

I throw the straps of my overnight bag and my purse over my shoulder, grab the cooler and leave the room.  With everything back in the car, I turn in the key card at the front desk, grab a orange juice and apple from the breakfast buffet and I'm out the door.  

This time in the morning there's some rush hour traffic, people heading to work or school. As the time and distance passes, I leave the bigger town, the traffic lightens and I'm able to relax a bit more and just lose myself to driving. 

I think back about this past week, I'm so torn between the two states. Tennessee is home to me, Minnesota was home to us.  I was fine being independent before Prince, but now, thanks to him, my solitary ways have been slightly altered. I consider Angel, Derik, and Marcus my Tennessee family. Tyka, Ray, and Kirk my Minnesota family. Both groups are generous, accommodating, and caring, both are also equally anxious about my pregnancy.  I'm grateful for all these people, I can't imagine my life without them now, I just hope that they never consider me a burden.  

Illinois is left behind, and soon, so is Indiana as I cross the Kentucky state line.   It's not even noon, but I start to debate if I should continue driving the remainder of the way home or take another day, a voice in my head whispers: rest.  I summon Siri to dial for me, Angel answers on the second ring, "Hello?"

"Hey, kid, it's me," I say.

Angel laughs, "I know that, silly.  I get calls from, like, three people, my mom, you and Marcus.  Where are you at now?"

"Kentucky," is all I manage to get out before she starts to talk. 

"Thank God, you're almost home," she sounds so relieved that my face grimaces with what I'm about to say. 

"About that," I start cautiously, "I was thinking about stopping in Kentucky for the night, it's been forever since I've been to the Kentucky Horse Park.  I thought maybe...."

Angel cuts me off, her voice excited, "Yes, do it!  There's no reason you have to be home tonight, it's not like you need to be back to work or anything."

"True," I know she was just stating a fact, but her words sting a little bit.  I'm fully aware that I'm being supported by my late ex husband and I struggle with that every time I pull out the credit card.   "I'll text you later and tell you where I've landed.  I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

"Have fun!" she urges before we hang up.

I find a hotel just four miles from the horse park, drop my overnight bag, grab a quick bite, then text Angel and Tyka my hotel and room number.  The park closes at five, which gives me several good hours to roam, stretch my legs, and get some exercise, but not too late that I can't get back to the hotel to get some rest. 

I purchase my ticket at the gate, and with the help of the little map I'm given, I head to their horse museum.  Keeping tabs on the time, I make my way to an equestrian/dressage show where I spend the whole time gaping at the beauty of these magnificent beasts.  I make my way through the stables, stopping to talk to and pet several of the horses.  I'm envious of the people who own them, but I know that owning a horse is very expensive and a lot of work.  I make a few more stops in the park before hitting the gift shop to buy a T-shirt, my legs and back are starting to get tired and achy, so I call it a day and leave the park.  


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A quick stop at a Subway sandwich shop, I head back to the hotel to eat and rest

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A quick stop at a Subway sandwich shop, I head back to the hotel to eat and rest. After a much needed catnap, I step back into the swimsuit and head down to the pool. The swimming had felt so good last night and I slept so soundly afterwards that I don't dare pass up this rare opportunity.  Again, my timing is perfect, I'm alone except for two teenage girls who are more interested in their phones than anything else.  I swim relaxed laps until I'm tired again, then head back to the room for the night.

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