Part 66

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The next morning, Anastasia and I go through our usual routine, and again, we head outside quickly to enjoy and take advantage of the cool morning air.

The plants and shrubs that were purchased yesterday are grouped together just inside the gate and they're calling to me.  Since this is kinda what we're used to, I scoop Anastasia up onto my hip, heading inside to retrieve her playpen. I find a shady spot by the house to set it up, placing her inside with a few toys, although I know she'll mostly stand at the side rail to watch me. 

I start moving and arranging pots, standing back several times to critic their placement. Not bad for an initial grab and go at the Home Depot, I may just need a couple more smaller items to fill the gaps, but that can be done later.   I reach for the shovel and have just started digging up one of the existing bushes when Tyka calls. 

"Hey, what 'cha doing?"

"Um," I look down at the half extracted bush. "Digging," I say guiltily.

"Already?!" She laughs. "I know it's early, but I was calling to see if you were up for company?"

"Of course, come on over," I say as I hop on the shovel to severe a root.

"I'll be over in a jiff," she laughs.

I grunt as I struggle with the overgrown bush, Anastasia mimics me from her playpen.  "Aunt Tyka is on her way!" I say happily. She doesn't know what I'm saying but claps her hands in response to the excitement in my voice. 

Within minutes, her hands really flail and she bounces when Tyka's car appears at the curb.  With one last yank, the bush surrenders and I'm able to toss it to the side.  Pushing some hair away from my face, I wave at Tyka as she climbs the steps up to the yard.  "Wow," she says coming to stand by the hole, "it already looks better without it."

Anastasia squeals for her attention, I nod towards her, "Someone's excited to see you," I laugh. 

"The feeling's mutual," she grins.  "Don't let me hold you up," she says, walking over to the playpen where Anastasia is already reaching for her.  She scoops her out and sits down on the lawn, placing her on her lap.  I watch them for a few minutes as Anastasia babbles to her in baby speak, complete with hand gestures, and Tyka animatedly adlibs her half of the conversation. 

Since I want to keep my view from the front porch clear, I had picked a trio of Gold Pilar Barberries.  They'll stay rather compact, with a cheerful golden hue in the summer, and turn a splendid orange-red color come fall.  I start digging those holes, using the dirt to fill in where the existing bush was removed while Tyka and Anastasia amuse each other.   Once the barberries are planted, I place the three flowering Magnolia bushes along the barrier fence, then place two Red Twigged Dogwood between them.  Shaking my head, I pull a magnolia and space the remaining two accordingly, then remove a dogwood, leaving just one between the magnolias.  It looks sparse now, but in a year or two, it should completely conceal the fence, well, in the warmer months, anyway.   The remaining magnolia gets situated in front of the fence on the opposite side of the yard, along with the last two dogwoods. 


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Satisfied with their placements, I remove my gloves and sit down with Tyka and Anastasia

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Satisfied with their placements, I remove my gloves and sit down with Tyka and Anastasia.  "That's all I'm going to do today, it's getting too warm already.  Plus, this one is going to be hungry soon."  No sooner than the words are out of my mouth, Anastasia crawls onto my lap, and starts to cling to my t-shirt. 

Tyka and I glance around the yard trying to envision it finished, she asks me about the different shrubs and their upkeep.  "Nothing, really, that's why I choose these.  The ones in front there and the magnolias will keep their foliage until winter, the dogwoods will drop their foliage in the fall, but those red sticks will look like they're on fire when the sun hits them.  Everything but the magnolias will only need to be pruned maybe once a year after they're established," I shrug, "easy-peasy."

Tyka nods, Anastasia starts to fuss.  "Feeding time," I laugh.  We grab the playpen and head inside, leaving the rest of the work to be done another day. 


After Anastasia is fed, I start to put her down for her mid morning nap.  "Tyka, would you care to read to her while I grab a quick shower?"

"I'd love to," she grins. 

"Thank you.  I'll be right back," I promise. 

"Take your time, no worries," she urges, flipping through the stack of books by the rocking chair, she selects one and sits. 

I must admit, at Tyka's suggestion, this shower turns out to be a bit more leisured than I've been used to in quite a while, knowing that Anastasia is in good hands.  When I shut off the water I can hear Tyka singing, her singing voice is so eerily like Prince's falsetto that my breath catches.  I close my eyes and listen to her for a moment before toweling dry and getting dressed.  Tyka grins when I peek into the nursery, but continues to sing while I tiptoe across the room to find Anastasia fast asleep.  Tyka finishes her lullaby while I flip on the baby monitor and we silently leave the room. 

In the kitchen, Tyka informs me she found a reputable moving company that could handle transporting the instruments as she slides a slip of paper across the table to me. 

"You didn't have to do that," I reply, taking the information from her and putting it by the refrigerator.  "Thank you," I say sincerely when I sit back down.

"It's no problem, I figured I had a better idea where to start than you would," she laughs. 

"That's true," I sigh, glancing restlessly around the room. 

"Are you okay?" her brows knit as she watches me. 

I nod, although I'm not really. Being here in Minnesota, driving past Paisley, seeing those instruments in that storage shed, and hearing Tyka sing this morning has been like a never ending gut-punch.  In Tennessee, my main focus is Anastasia, but here, Prince's absence is so overwhelming. 

I do my best to lighten my mood and change the subject, "Hey, I'm thinking about signing up for online classes!"

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