Part 41

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As days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, there is no more second guessing that I am pregnant. Even though I feel I am getting around well, there is a definite waddle to my gait now. I mostly keep myself moving around my house and yard, trying to stay busy and trying to forget how uncomfortable some simple tasks are becoming. Added to my increased size, the movement within my belly also increases, which amazes me, but also makes me long for Prince's presence even more. Every time I experience the odd sensations, I can't help but think how he would react to feel his child moving in my womb.

With Prince's vast catalogue, our daughter has been subjected to his music on a daily basis. As the music plays, it feels like she flips and bounces, although as her size increases, there's not so much room for flipping now, but there's still more movement when his music is playing versus any other music.

The nursery has been in a state of completion for well over a month now. It is fully stocked with clothes, diapers, bottles, and a plethora of other baby related items. Just recently, though, I had purchased and installed an infant carrier for the car, a stroller, a travel bassinet and another bassinet to have in my bedroom.

The further along I get, I'm thankful for many things, but most importantly is Angel's guidance so far. Without this tough cookie by my side, I really don't think I could have made it this far with my sanity intact. She has listened to all my worries and gripes as things have gotten more cumbersome for me in my daily routines. Every time she has managed to make me smile and keep me grounded.

Marcus has been a Godsend, too, as he insists on coming over to maintain my lawn. This is no small commitment in Tennessee, sometimes we have to mow our lawns well into December, I have jokingly argued with him on this, but with Angel his backer, there is no chance of me winning. So, when he comes to mow, Angel and Derik get to hang out with me on the back porch. Derik is fascinated with how 'fat' I'm getting, and loves to feel the baby move. "How's the baby going to get out of there?" Derik has asked on several occasions, which leaves Angel and I to scramble for a change of topic.

Tyka has been calling weekly, keeping tabs on me and my progress. The lawyers have released the name of the bank where Prince had secured a safety deposit box, so now I have two places I need to check out whenever I get back up to visit.

Tyka has tried her best to try to convince me to return to Minnesota until after the baby is born. "I'm due mid December, Tyka, the chances of inclimate weather down here is zero to nothing. I'd rather stay where I have better odds, and I've already registered at the hospital," is my defense to staying put. "Plus, Angel is a huge help." Tyka's response, "Well, I'm going to be there when that baby is born, don't think I won't," with her typical nervous sounding laugh. I assure her that she is more than welcome to come down and stay with me.


October 11, when Angel arrives at my house to take me for my appointment, I'm seven months along. I walk as quickly as I can to her car with my new waddling gait and climb in, "Angel, you know I can make these visits myself," I remind her as I settle in the seat, rubbing my growing belly out of habit.

She scowls at me, "Do we really have to do this every time?" She laughs.

"Yes, you're not the father," I say, instantly regretting the words as soon as they leave my mouth.

Angel sees me cringe, "You're right, I'm your friend. Now buckle up so we can go," she fails at being bossy when she cracks that huge grin of hers, something tells me she looks forward to my appointments more than I do.

"Here we go," I say in mock excitement as I fasten the seatbelt.

"Oh, come on," she rolls her eyes. "You're so close, just two more months," she grins again, showing off her dimples. Somehow the thought of two more months feels very long, especially since Angel suggests that this is when 'you're going to get huge!'

We get to the doctor's office with time to spare, and again it's uneventful in the grand scheme of things, overall pregnancy is advancing like it should, which I'm elated about. Initially I was concerned when my BP registered a little high, but when the doctor checks again later during the visit, it's normal. "It happens," I am told, "but we'll keep an eye on it." I'm informed that my remaining appointments will now be every two weeks, which I'm not happy about, and accept my appointment card for October 24, begrudgingly tucking it into my purse. The date hits a nerve, since this would have been our third wedding anniversary.

When we get back in the car, I tell Angel, "Okay, now that the appointments are more frequent, you have to let me go on my own a couple of times." When she frowns and shakes her head, I counter, "You have work, a boyfriend, a child, you don't have time to run me back and forth when I'm capable of doing this myself."

She eyes me but stays quiet as she puts the car into gear to back out of the parking space. Once we're on the road she says, "Marcus and I had been discussing a few things, and actually, we need to ask you a favor before you get too far along."

"O-kay," I drag out the word, curious to hear the favor.

"Well," she starts out slowly, "Marcus has asked me to marry him," she acts like it's no big deal, but when my eyes pop out of my head, she giggles and bounces in the driver's seat with excitement.

"You're kidding?! Angel that's great! What does Derik think? When did this happen? Where's the ring?" I stop my questions to take a breath, then slap her arm.

"Owww!" she exclaims, "What was that for?"

"This is how you tell me? Oh, by the way...." I pretend to be unphased.

She grimaces, "Well, we've been discussing it for a while now, or, I should say he has," she looks sheepishly at me. "I don't know why I needed convincing, he's already bought the house and moved us in, it's just, it's a big step."

"It is, but I think you two are great together."

Angel sighs, "And Derik adores him."

I can tell she's torn, I felt the same way with Prince, playing house was one thing, making it official was another. "So, what's the favor?" I prod.

"Oh, you're going to think this is corny, but we want to get married in Vegas." Angel waits for my reaction, I shrug and nod, "And my mom insists on being there, so...." she eyes me worriedly.

"Angel, just ask! You're killing me!" I say impatiently.

"Would you mind watching Derik for a few days? So Mom can have a mini vacation and we can have a mini honeymoon?"

"Is that all? Yes! Of course I'd be happy to!"

The excitement, with some added anxiety, is now evident on her face, "You don't care?"

"No, I don't care. For all that you guys have done for me? Honestly, this is the least I could do." I grin at her, "Congratulations," and playfully plant a wet kiss her cheek.

She scrunches her face up at my sloppy kiss, wiping her cheek with the back of her hand, before it resumes it's white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel. "Yeah," she says with a nervous laugh.

"So when's the big day?"

She glances at me quickly, "Next week."

"Like pulling off a band aid, huh?" I laugh, "that's fine. Do you want me to stay at your place to make it easier for Derik?"

"Yes, that would be great!" Angel grins at me, then her face turns serious, "Why am I so scared?"

"Because it's scary," I say honestly with a shrug, "but it'll be worth it. Like this, right?" I rub my belly.

Tears fill her eyes, "Right," she agrees. The rest of the ride is filled with contemplative silence. Her news has revived memories of Prince's proposal, combined with the knowledge of our anniversary date approaching, I'm feeling very nostalgic.

When she drops me off and before we say our goodbyes, I say, "Please, just don't get married on the 24th, that's still our day."

"Don't worry, I'll be back before the appointment," she misunderstands my plea. When I shake my head sadly, it hits her, "Oh, my God, I forgot! I'm so sorry. Are you okay with this? We can wait."

"No, don't you dare. October is a good month for weddings," I say softly. "Just let me know when you have the details in place, you know I'm free," I wink at her and wave our goodbyes.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now