Part 48

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While Tyka flies in, Friday, December 9, I impatiently pace the house until I see the rental car pull into my driveway. "Thank God," I breathe and hit the garage door opener on my way out to greet her. "Pull in," I yell and wave for her to enter. I'm glad it's a compact car since the chaise has yet to be reupholstered and still sits out here with a sheet covering it.

When Tyka puts the car in park, she rolls the window down, "I just can't believe how big you are!"

"Thanks, Tyka," I say with mock sarcasm.

"You know what I mean. There's a big difference in four months and nine," she says as she cuts the engine and opens the door. She walks up to me and her hands come up to touch my belly, "I know you're ready," she says sympathetically.

I feel the baby move under her touch. "So ready," I roll my eyes. "Come on, dinners almost done, we have just enough time to get your things in."

"I'll get it," she says holding her hand up to me, stopping me in my tracks.

"I can help, pregnancy is not a debilitating condition," I remind her. With an over exaggerated sigh, she hands me the handle of her rolling case, while she grabs what looks like the much heavier bag. We hadn't really discussed how long she was going to stay, and judging from these two pieces of luggage, I would say she's planning on more than a week.

I wheel the little case through the house and into the nursery with Tyka in tow. "Will this be okay?" I indicate the prepared 'bed'.

"Wow, air mattresses sure have come a long way," she sits and tests it. "This is more than okay," she lifts up the bedding to verify that it is indeed an inflatable bed. Returning to standing she takes in the room prepared nursery. "Pictures don't do it justice, it's beautiful," she grins.

"Thank you," I say modestly. "Please tell me you're ready to eat, because I'm starving."

"I am," she laughs, "I just need to use the little girls room, first."

"Across the hall," I point. "I'll meet you in the kitchen," I say before leaving her there.

It feels good to actually be talking to someone, I think to myself as I return to the kitchen. I have just finished pulling the salads out of the fridge and the casserole out of the oven when Tyka appears in the doorway. "You keep this up, I may abandon my husband and move here," she laughs.

Tyka starts to fill me in on some recent events with the other heirs and problems with Prince's estate, but she soon sees this topic makes me uncomfortable and changes the subject. "So, Angel's pregnant, too?" This is a much more cheerful topic and we both voice our happiness for Marcus and Angel. Tyka had known he was divorced, but not the circumstances that caused them to split. When I share that Marcus was the one who was there to help me when I miscarried, Tyka drops her fork, "What? You were pregnant before?"

"Prince never told you?"

"No, he never talked about stuff like that. Not with me, or anyone, that I know of," Tyka picks up her fork but I can tell she's still in a daze. "When was this, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Right after Prince moved me to Minnesota." I set my fork down and look at her, "We had pretty much had decided that, after that, we wouldn't use contraceptives. Prince wanted a baby, we wanted a baby." I can tell this saddens her as much as it does me, because here I sit ready to pop and he's no longer here.

Tyka changes the topic to Tennessee's mild weather and we manage to steer clear of the heavy stuff for the remainder of the meal. Once we clean up the kitchen, we head into the living room to talk some more. Here's where I find out that she's planning stay until well after the baby is born. "If you don't mind? I think you could really use the help," she says gently. When I fill her in on Angel's idea, she looks defeated, "Oh, I didn't realize you had made arrangements."

"I haven't, she wants me to. Honestly, with her pregnant now, I don't want to impose. It may also be selfish, but I want to be at my own house, in my own bed," I admit to her. "I've been putting her off for weeks," I sigh. "I'd appreciate having you stay to help me out in the beginning." Now, I for sure have to talk with Angel.

"It's my pleasure. I just hope Angel doesn't get upset," Tyka frowns.

"I'll talk to her, she's done so much already, I think it's time for her to focus on herself for a little bit." We both start stifling yawns, it's been a long day for Tyka, and I seem to stay tired anymore. When we glance at each other with an understanding nod, I say, "Sorry, I'm such a party animal."

"That's quite alright," Tyka laughs, "I have to call Reese, and then I'm ready to crash myself. We've got plenty of time to talk." Tyka stands and starts toward the hallway that leads to the nursery, "Sweet dreams," she calls back.

"Goodnight," I answer back before heading towards the master bedroom.

Prince appears briefly in my dreams. I'm in the garden and he's watching me from afar, but when I call to him he doesn't answer. He just smiles that satisfied smile of his as he stands there unmoving. Before he turns away, he nods, then his image dissolves before my eyes as he moves away from me.


I don't mention my dream to Tyka in the morning, but it's obvious that it hangs with me. I got the sense that Prince was pleased in the dream, but the lack of communication bothered me. When he didn't respond to my call, and when he disappeared while walking away, my fear of losing hold of him, even in dreams, is overwhelming. I see several glances from Tyka as we sit in the kitchen, basking in the morning sun and sipping our coffee.

"Are you okay? You seem distracted," she asks after we get a refill.

"I just wake up slow." Which is not a lie, but not the real reason for my quietness this morning.

"What do you do for fun?" Tyka asks.

"Sleep," I laugh. "I'm sorry I'm so boring," I apologize.

"Don't be silly. I wasn't exactly expecting to be entertained when I came down here," she laughs.

"I pretty much just hang out at the malls for exercise right now," I shrug, "but it's pretty mild today, we could walk around the subdivision," I offer.

"That would be fine," Tyka says with a smile. "Do you have everything you need before the baby gets here? We could do some last minute shopping."

"I have everything," I laugh, "And probably things I don't need." Our conversation is interrupted by my cell phone ringing from in the bedroom. I frown at Tyka, "It has to be Angel, I'll be right back."

The phone quits ringing before I can get to it, but I see that it was indeed Angel and I call her right back.

"Hey, I was hoping you guys were still home. What are your plans for today?" Angel cuts right to the chase when she answers.

"Um, walking the sub since it's kinda nice out," I laugh.

"Well, that's why I'm calling. You guys want to come over and hang out? I'm off tonight and I'm going to make Marcus barbecue later, he just doesn't know it yet. We can all have an early dinner, maybe?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, or I wouldn't be calling," she huffs playfully. "Oh, and feel free to wear your pajamas, I don't want to be the only one." We both laugh.

"I love you, Angel," I laugh. "Okay, I'll go let Tyka know. What time?"

"Any time you're ready, I'll see y'all later," Angel says before we disconnect.

I smile and shake my head as I set my phone back down on the nightstand. That girl's a trip, I think as I head back to the kitchen to make Tyka aware of our new plans.

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