Part 67

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In the next few days, I do anything and everything I can to avoid moving forward to deal with the safety deposit box. The contents of the storage unit still causes my heart to ache and I'm filled with dread not knowing what else could possibly lie in store for me. 

Tyka does her best to be respectful and unobtrusive, but she's so excited to have me close that she has spent a majority of each day with us since we arrived.  She's happy to just hang out and talk with me or play with Anastasia. Her presence is so low-key, I find I welcome having her around, not minding not being alone at all. 

Last night, though, I had mentioned to her about my plans to spend today window shopping at the Mall of America. "I'd love to have your company, but I'm afraid of association."

Her face had registered surprise, "You're right, that would be a bad idea.  Some people would surely recognize me there."

So, this morning, I load up the diaper bag and Anastasia, and we head out to the mall on our own.  As I walk through the mall, I take turns pushing Anastasia in her stroller and carrying her.  She's so fascinated by all the people, the sounds, and chaos of the mall that she stays at full alert much longer than normal before succumbing to her morning nap.  Since I'm only here to waste time, window shop and get some walking in, I continue trekking along while she dozes.  When she wakes, I search out a relatively quiet location to feed her and take the opportunity to grab a bite to eat myself.  After a trip to the ladies room and change her diaper, we head to the Aquarium where Anastasia spends the entire time gawking and squealing with amazement at the sea life surrounding her.   After the aquarium, Anastasia still seems ready to take on more sights while I have had my share.  I have reached my full capacity of being social and starting to feel the effects of sensory overload as I push her toward the exit of the massive building.  

The drive home from the mall is on the long side and I find myself feeling more relaxed the closer I get.  Deciding to make an impromptu stop by Tyka's house before we head back to ours, I steer the car to the curb and park.  I have just pulled Anastasia from her car seat and pushed the back door closed with my hip when I hear, "Hello, stranger!"

I freeze, oh, my, God, it's Super Fan.  Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, I repeat in my head as I plaster on a fake smile and turn around. "Hey," It's forced, but I'm trying not to look petrified. 

"So, you decided to check out some sights, huh?"  She asks, eyeing Tyka's house.  "Tyka is supposed to live here," she continues, looking toward the modest home. 

"That's what I heard," I mumble, staying near the car as she boldly moves toward the residence. 

I'm trying to decide if I should flee when Tyka appears at the front door. She spots the woman halfway up her walk, then her eyes travel to me.  I open my eyes huge and quickly shake my head, I flash of uncertainty crosses her face before it's replaced with a fake smile.  "Hello?" She inquires to the woman who has just arrived at her stoop.

"Tyka!" Super Fan gushes, extending her hand to Tyka. Tyka shakes the woman's hand, but there's a nervous glance to us as Super Fan continues, "It's a pleasure to meet you, we're fans of your brother." Super Fan turns and indicates us as well.

"Ohhhh," Tyka smiles before handling the woman like I'm sure she has done a million times before. "Thank you so much for loving my brother," she says sincerely.

Playing along, I make my way up her walkway respectfully. "We're so sorry to impose on you like this," I apologize.  Anastasia starts bouncing and reaching for Tyka in her excitement. 

"No, don't be silly," Tyka laughs, "I enjoy meeting my brother's fans, especially when they bring their babies.  May I?"  Tyka reaches for Anastasia and pulls her into her arms. "Hey there, beautiful girl, what's your name?"

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