Part 36

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My cell phone rings in my pocket, waking me. I feel groggy and disoriented as I dig my phone out and answer it, "Hello?" I croak.

"Dana, did I wake you?" Ray's voice is concerned.

I clear my throat and sit up, instantly alert once I notice the daylight streaming into the bedroom from the open bathroom door, "Oh, my goodness, Ray, I'll be right down. I'm so sorry." I stand up too quickly which causes my head to spin, I carefully lower myself back onto the bed until it passes.

"No, no, I'm not at the house," I hear him say as I recover, "I'm running behind today, and just wanted to let you know. And I have a surprise for you."

My head stops spinning and I make another attempt to stand, holding onto the bed post until I'm confident I'm going to be okay. "Oh, okay. Thank you, Ray, I'm glad you weren't waiting on me," I make sure my voice doesn't reveal my little episode, "I'll see you soon?"

"Yes, Ma'am, less than an hour." I thank him again, and make my way to the bathroom, relieved the light headedness doesn't persist. I'm pretty sure it was from standing too fast, but I make a mental note to keep tabs on this. Suddenly, I feel very alone as I strip out of yesterday's clothes and adjust the water for a shower. Once in the shower, for my safety, I sit on the built in seat. I really overdid it yesterday, I think to myself, today I'm going to relax and just focus on leaving out tomorrow.

Showered and dressed, I ride the elevator down to the main floor to wait for Ray, wondering what his surprise might be as I prepare my first cup of coffee. It isn't very long before I see the catering van pull into the drive followed by an older, but well maintained, sedan. I take my coffee with me and open the front door as a very handsome man with an olive complexion steps from the car. When the man opens the back door, an equally beautiful little boy exits, he takes his father's hand as he stares in awe at the house. As Ray leads them to the front stoop, the father spots me and looks slightly embarrassed at his sons gawking.

Ray makes the introductions, Michael is the single father I sent the money to for the continuation of his son's, Jacob, music lessons. I invite them into the foyer and close the door as they gaze around the area, suddenly I feel very embarrassed by the extravagance if the house. "Dad, she has a piano!" Jacob whispers much louder than a whisper.

"Ms. Nelson, we had just come to thank you in person for your generous gift," Michael nudges Jacob. "Yes, thank you, I'm so glad I didn't have to stop," he says animatedly.

I bend at the knees, lowering myself closer to the boys level, "How old are you, Jacob?"

"Four," he responds, when I frown his father interjects, "almost five." I nod, since the child seems very mature for his age, and I have a feeling he's going to be tall like his father.

I smile back at the boy, "What do you play?"

"The piano," he points to Prince's in the foyer, "but I want to learn guitar, and the flute!"

"Wow! That's very impressive, Jacob, I hope you pick up on all those things well," I say, pleased that I was compelled to send Ray with the money.

"One at a time, Jacob, we talked about this," his father says gently. Jacob crosses his arms and his beautiful face reflects stubbornness and frustration. His father may see him as being difficult, but my heart swells, in my mind I have a feeling this is probably how Prince was growing up, that need to play.

I diffuse the situation, "Can you play me something on that piano?" Jacob's arms unfold and he nods with a grin. "Ray, do you have time?"

He grins, "All the time in the world."

Jacob approaches the piano slowly, eyeing it with appreciation. He runs his hand along the gleaming surface with admiration before he circles the bench and takes a seat. As soon as he's seated, he does like I've seen Prince do a million times, he melts into the bench and you can see him prepare his mind before he plays. His fingers light on the keys and he takes a deep breath and starts to play. For a child of almost five, he plays impressively well, there are a few sour notes and fumbles, but overall very good. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of the piano reverberate through the foyer, emotion overtakes me.

I excuse myself quietly as not to disturb Jacob's playing, Ray and Michael look sympathetic as I rush down the hallway to the small bath. Once the door is closed I'm able to sob freely and I do my best to regain my composure as quick as I can. Hearing the piano playing here was just too much for me to handle, I guess. I blow my nose, and splash some cold water on my face, I still look like I've been crying, but I take a deep breath and head back to the foyer before Jacob stops. Ray puts his arm around my shoulders when I return, "You okay?" I shake my head, then I nod, he pats my back, "I understand," he says quietly. I know deep down that he does, we all miss Prince, but we have to go on.

When Jacob finishes, I applaud, Ray quickly joins in, we want to encourage this child as much as possible. I turn to Michael, "Thank you both for stopping by," I turn to Jacob, "Maybe the next time I visit, you can play some guitar for me," Jacob nods enthusiastically. Ray excuses himself when we step back out on the front stoop to retrieve my meals for the day. Michael turns to me looking sad, "Ms. Nelson, I just wanted to say, I'm so sorry for your loss."

I sneak a glance at him, and nod, "Thank you. I was wondering if you had made the association."

"I didn't at first, because Ray never said who sent the money, just that the person was adamant that Jacob keep up with his music lessons. When I insisted on thanking you in person is when he told me your name, it didn't register until I saw the house, the piano, and the rings," he looks down at my hands.

I nod and glance at Ray who has entered the house with my food, but at the mention of ring, I spin Prince's on my right hand. "Well, I am adamant about his lessons," I smile up at him, "and I'm serious about hearing him play on my return visits, although it won't be here," I indicate the house. When he frowns, "It's too much for me, since it's just me," I pause, "and as wonderful as Minnesota is, it's not the same without Prince, I can't live here."

Michael nods understandably as Ray stops by to say goodbye, I give him a hug, "I'm leaving out early tomorrow, Ray."

Ray nods sadly, "You have a safe trip, Dana, I'm going to miss seeing you around, again."

"If you're ever in Tennessee, look me up," I wink.

"I just might have to do that," Ray winks back, another quick hug and he's on his way.

I turn to Michael, "I hate to ask you this, but could we keep this whole thing hush-hush? Prince was very private, and so am I," I confide in him.

"Of course," he nods respectfully, "I understand."

We thank each other again, and I wish them the best of luck. I wait on the stoop while Jacob is loaded into the car and Michael puts the car into gear, waving before he drives off.

I return to the kitchen to grab my food to take out to the garden to eat. I dread leaving tomorrow, but I'm ready to leave this house.

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