Part 43

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Wednesday morning, against my entire beings protest, I arrive at Marcus and Angel's house at 6:50 am. Marcus meets me as soon as I pull into the drive to carry my bag in, "Is this all you brought?"

"Yes, I'm just minutes away from my house, I can run home if I need to," I explain, there didn't seem to be a need to bring anything more than my essentials.

Marcus shrugs as I follow him into the house, I notice that their bags are already waiting by the garage door as we go inside. Angel has just placed breakfast in front of Derik, who leaps from the table to greet me. "Derik, eat!" Angel scolds. He gives me a quick hug and returns to the table to focus on his meal. Angel rolls her eyes, and shakes her head, "Come on, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping." Marcus has already went up the stairs with my bag and Angel stops halfway up when she sees I'm not following her. She frowns, "What's wrong?"

"Stairs," I look at her worriedly.

She shakes her head and returns to the landing, "Dana, we don't have an elevator," her brows lift.

I take a deep breath, "Okay, it's just," I shake my head, "Oh, never mind."

Angel starts up the stairs, I grab tightly to the handrail and climb each step slowly and deliberately, reaching the top much later than her. "Are you going to be okay with this?" she asks me.

"Yeah," I say unconvincingly.

"I could set you up on an air mattress downstairs, but I'd rather have you up here with Derik," she can see my worry. When we get to the guest room I fill her in about the stairs, then I briefly tell her about the odd happenings with the elevator at the Minnesota house, now her eyes are huge with concern. "I guess you two could pretend you're 'camping' downstairs, I'll have Marcus set up the air mattress."

"No, this is silly," I'm exasperated with myself over this new irrational fear, "I don't want Derik's routine to be altered, especially with school. I'll be fine, I'll just be really careful."

"Tell you what, just stay here until you pick him up from school on Friday, then you can bring him to your house if you want?" she offers, but looks upset.

"Okay," I say but eye her warily, "what's wrong? Are you upset because I'm afraid of stairs?"

"No," she shakes her head, "We were planning on having you stay with us for a little bit after the you had the baby, but I don't think it will work if you're afraid of the stairs."

"Oh, Angel, no! I can't keep imposing on you guys like this, it's ridiculous. You'll be newly weds, and the last thing you all need is a crying baby in the house. I won't do it."

Angel plops on the bed, she's quiet for a second, then looks up at me with an expression I can't read, "You're not imposing, really. You're going to need a lot of help in the beginning, trust me, I know. If it wasn't for my mom staying with me after Derik was born..." she lets the thought trail off. "Dana, it's rough, you're sore, you're exhausted, it's hard enough to take care of yourself, let alone a newborn. Plus, having you here would be great practice for Marcus and Derik."

I frown as I hear the last of her words, my mind repeats them and the comprehension kicks in, "What?!" Angel flashes a grin and my eyes get big, it all makes sense now why she's so edgy lately, it's not just the fact of succumbing to marriage. "You're pregnant?"

She nods, "Just, so please don't say anything. Besides Marcus, you're the only one that knows."

I nod, understanding her concern, "How far?"

"I haven't been to the doctor yet, but from our calculations, about 5 weeks," she looks thoughtful.

"Congratulations, again! Give me a hug." Angel stands and I squeeze her tight, "I won't say a word, but I think this is great news! Were you guys trying?" I ask.

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