Part 77

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"Elements and Flowers," Angel's voice is cheerful as she answers the cordless phone. 

I glance her way and we exchange smiles as Derik and I pass by carrying flats of flowers from the greenhouse to the quickly emptying tables out front.  

Marcus is busy loading up the company truck for today's landscaping job, a small sub-contracted crew is already on site, preparing the area for his arrival. The sound of Anastasia's piano playing wafts through air as patrons buzz around the shop like anxious bees.  Chloe, who has taken a sudden interest in gardening, is keeping herself busy with the watering and meticulous pruning. 

"This is nuts," Angel mouths when I pass again on my back to the greenhouse.  The happy grin I'm wearing covers my entire face, I can almost feel Prince looking down on me with his satisfied expression. 

Today is the opening day of our second season here at (Garden) Elements & Flowers. We are swamped!   The unusually warm April has brought all levels of garden aficionados to the shop to purchase flowers, shrubs and small trees. 

Grace, an elderly woman we were fortunate to obtain as a part time employee, rings customers up at the register with a friendly, calm demeanor.  I laugh to myself, this is not her first rodeo. Somehow she manages to handle even the most impatient customer with ease.   Grace is more than likely responsible for this years increased volume in customers.

Last year, when we were just starting out, I was driving past the little shop where I had been purchasing my flowers for more than a decade.  I just knew I had to stop when I saw the Going Out Of Business sign by the entrance. Grace, as it turns out, was 'Granny' of Granny's Garden and planning to retire from her little business.   In talking with her, I learned that the little business was just too much for her to handle on her own now that her husband had passed.  Her grown children were also not interested in helping her, so this was to be her last season. The pain in her eyes was evident, she was being forced to lose something else that she dearly loved.   On impulse, I handed her a freshly printed business card for our shop and asked if maybe she was interested in working part time for us next year.

Within days of my visit to her shop, she visited ours.  Grace perused our initial, minimal selection with a pleased expression on her face before approaching me.  She had made her decision about the job offer, agreeing to come work for us the following spring.  This time, she was the one to hand off a business card, it contained the contact information for the nursery supplier she had used for many years.   "Just tell them Grace sent you," her eyes sparkled mischievously. 

With this added connection through Grace, I was able to purchase an even larger selection for the following spring at a deep discount.  That fall a greenhouse was constructed in preparation to hold the surplus I planned to have on hand. Since Grace had also begun to refer her current customers to my shop by letting them know she'd be there instead, opening day seemed more like a family reunion as I watched her greet and hug her regulars from the other shop.

Angel had quit her job at the restaurant last fall, freeing up her time to homeschool Chloe as well as help me get my plan together. Derik, by his own decision, is continuing to attend public school.  With his growing interest in sports, it seems the logical choice with all the after class practices.  Marcus had went from working full time to part time at his security guard job when we decided to add the landscaping aspect. When he was able to acquire enough steady work through the lawn and landscaping aspect of our business, he quit entirely. 

Yes, Elements & Flowers is equally owned and operated by Marcus, Angel and myself.  It seemed the best way to arrange the business, and still allow Anastasia and I to have our extended stays in Minnesota during the summer after the initial seasonal rush has died down.

As much as the garden shop was my baby, I still needed the freedom to be able to travel, not only to Minnesota, but throughout the continental United States for Anastasia's numerous dance competitions.   Although dance seems to run in the forefront of her many interests, she still practices and excels on both the drums and piano.   I often wonder if she'll ever decide to pick up one of the guitars Prince had left, but part of me is okay if she never does. 

"Earth to Dana," Angel taps me playfully on the shoulder.  I flash her a dissatisfied look, then roll my eyes at her. "We could use some help if you're done daydreaming," she teases, her eyes open big for emphasis, her hands firmly planted on her hips. 

"Yes, ma'am," I play salute her.

Just then I hear the tempo of the piano music change as Anastasia starts a new song.  As soon as I recognize it, I start to sing along under my breath as I busy myself by bringing more flowers from the greenhouse. 

Rise up this mornin'
Smiled with the risin' sun
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true
Sayin', this is my message to you
Singin' don't worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh
Every little thing gonna be alright, don't worry
Singin' don't worry about a thing, I won't worry
"Cause every little thing gonna be alright

Yeah, I think to myself, everything is gonna be alright.

The End

Author's note: 

Again, I have to thank everyone who has followed along with this story and has stuck with this more difficult ending.  This ending was much more devastating to write with the feelings of loss, devastation, strength and perseverance my character had to endure. Putting (myself) into the story and dealing with each hurdle was excruciating.  Sweet Ana Starr proved to be the silver lining in the story, and what a pleasure she was to bring to life!  Giving her some mannerisms and characteristics of Prince helped keep me motivated to continue when I wanted to  walk away. 

Even though this wasn't the 'happier' version, I truly hope you enjoyed 'watching' Anastasia blossom. 

Thank you,

Dana Larson

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