Part 18

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May 31, I'm 12 weeks according to my last period, but since I know the exact date of conception, it's actually 10. So, when the doctor congratulates me on entering my second trimester, I feign the excitement, knowing I will still continue worry for the next two weeks. I'm weighed and measured, blood drawn and I supply a urine sample, then we get to the part I've been waiting for, the ultrasound.

I'm a bundle of nerves as I lay there while the doctor prepares my abdomen with the oddly warm gel. The wand gets placed and an indecipherable image appears on the screen, that is, until she starts to move it, than a mostly black bubble appears. I gasp and fight back tears when inside the dark area, the silhouette of my baby appears. The doctor laughs, "There we are! That's your baby," she's all smiles as I choke back the tears. "It's okay to cry," she says, "this is a very emotional time for most mothers."

"It's amazing," I agree, "I would give anything for my husband to be here," I have to stop for a minute as I'm wracked with grief, "this was all he ever wanted," I manage to get out between sobs.

"I'm so sorry," she says, "I can't imagine how hard this is for you, but I know you'll do everything you can to make sure his dream comes true. This baby is his gift to you, try to think of it that way."

"I do," I say as I calm, "I know he's still with me." We watch the screen as this little bean of a baby flips and dances inside the bubble. I have to laugh at the baby's antics, "Oh, yeah, can't stop moving, just like it's daddy."

I'm given a printout and a CD with some still images from the ultrasound to share. The doctor says I can go five to six weeks before our next visit since everything looks so good, I err on the side of caution and schedule my next appointment for July 5 and I am free to go.

I call Angel as I'm driving to see if she has a minute to see the printout and I'm told, "You'd better stop by, I wanna see that baby." I pull into their driveway, Marcus's car isn't there because he's at work, but Derik meets me at the drivers door with a big hug before Angel can get to me.

I proudly hand her the printout and she looks at it and smiles, "Derik, go get your Aunt Dana a water, please." Derik takes off at a run toward the house.

I'm overcome with worry when she sends him away, "What's wrong? The doctor said everything is okay."

I move in to look at the printout with her to see what she sees and she laughs, "Nothing's wrong, Silly, it looks like any sonogram printout I've ever seen. I just wanted to ask you how you were handling this without having Prince there?"

My mood shifts a bit, "As to be expected, I guess. The baby was bouncing all over in there, it was hard not having him there to witness that."

Derik comes running back with a bottled water for me, I thank him, uncap it and take a sip. When Derik returns to his sidewalk chalk that he was playing with, I ask Angel, "Derik doesn't know about Prince yet, does he?"

"No, and it's hard to hide it with all the news stories right now, he points to the television every time they flash a picture of him and we hurry to change the channel. I don't think he's put two and two together that he hasn't seen him when you're around." My face falls, so she changes the subject, "When is your next appointment? I'll go with you."

"Angel you do eno.."

"Shut up, I want to do this," she counters. I let her know when my next appointment is before I leave, since she has to get ready to go to work.

I get home and take a picture of the printout from the sonogram, and text it to Tyka. She's the closest thing to Prince that I have left and I feel the need to share this with her. Her response is immediate and makes me happy I took the time:

My new niece or nephew! <3

After a quick nap, I spend the rest of the day working in the garden with a smile on my face. All I can think about is that little jumping bean growing in my belly.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now