Part 15

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With that statement Tyka moves back to the sofa with Maurice, I have so many questions I don't know where to start. I sigh as I look down at my hands, when I look up I notice her pained expression while she's watches my struggle.

"The divorce, I guess I need to know about that first. It was obvious when I had seen him in Atlanta that he still loved me, and the morning of, when... he..." I hesitate because this is private and this is his sister, "we had relations." She nods and I continue, "I mean, things had kind of cooled off, but, as far as I knew, there was no major reasons to end our marriage."

"There wasn't, but," she sighs, she don't know where to begin either. "Dana, I can only assume you didn't know that he was dying."

"What?!" I'm floored, I never expected this.

"There were indications he might have cancer, right before he started that second leg of the Hit N Run tour. Of course, he refused treatment, said he'd pray for healing. 'If it's in God's will' he told me repeatedly," she shakes her head.

"As the cancer spread, his pain increased, that's why there was the reports of pills at Paisley Park. I begged him to draw up a will to protect you from having to deal with all of his properties, the music, licensing, as well as having to maintain Paisley Park. You know, arrange things financially and legally so you wouldn't be burdened, but he wanted no part of it. He just said, 'Dana will want no part of any of this, she never did. She is only here because of me.' So, his way to get rid of the whole problem was to end the marriage."

It kind of makes sense, "He's right, you know? Nothing in the world can replace him, there's not an amount high enough. Honestly, I don't think I could've handled everything if it were dumped on me even with some kind of guidance, because without him...." I don't finish, I'm sure she understands.

"It's an absolute mess," Tyka offers in agreement, "although he left me some outlines to follow."

"I wonder if that's why he initially wanted an annulment," I think out loud before I sigh, "If he would have just shared all this, instead of handling it like he did." I shake my head and look her in the eye, "I would have willingly signed those divorce papers if that's what he wanted, but I should have been allowed to stay with him, be there for him..."

"I know, honey, I tried to talk some sense into him after, but he didn't want you to see him that way, he filed almost immediately. He was devastated the way you left Paisley Park that day, though, and worried about you constantly. He thought you hated him."

Tears fill my eyes, "I'm glad we cleared that up in Atlanta, I could never hate him." I move to get myself a tissue and blow my nose before I ask, "You said cancer, do you know what kind?"

She shakes her head, "He never would have the procedures done to diagnose it. The possibility showed up in some blood work his doctor had done after he started having stomach pains and had trouble keeping food down."

"This is a lot to absorb," I feel stunned and a little numb.

"I know, when he had finally talked to me about it, I assumed you knew. He was all about not discussing personal things like this, and I thought you were just putting on a good show, too."

"Not a clue, except he would go through phases of pulling away," I admit to her.

Tyka laughs, "He said he had treated you poorly on occasion, hoping you would walk away on your own," she smiles with tears in her eyes, "he said, 'That woman really must love me for all I've put her through,' and I told him that I knew you did. I was happy he had finally found someone that loved him for who he was." Then she laughs, "You, my dear, deserve a medal!" she jokes.

Now I'm laughing, "Tell me about it."

She continues, "He said anything he threw at you, you patiently worked through it. Thank you for giving him that stability," she says sincerely.

I nod and my tears threaten to come again, so Tyka changes the subject, "He also said he had deposited some money into your bank account, but I was told if you need anything, you contact me, you hear?"

"Of course," I say but I have no intention of asking for anything more than I have already been given. The only thing I ever wanted from Prince was his love.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now