Part 12

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The next morning, after I check and see that the coast is clear for unwanted cars, I head out to work in my garden. After all that's happened lately, I'm really just going through the motions. I would give anything to be laying in my dark bedroom, but now that I know I'm pregnant, I'm making every effort to eat healthy and keep moving for the sake of our child.

My cell phone rings, I remove a garden glove and pull my phone out of my back pocket. Since Angel has been calling to check on me almost every day, I assume that's who's calling. My heart speeds up a notch or two when I read the name TYKA, I take a breath, "Hello?"

"Hey, Girlie," her voice is low and smooth, and so freakishly similar to Prince's phone voice that I'm caught off guard.

"Tyka," I breathe, "how are you doing?"

"I'm doing," there's a nervous laugh, "How are you doing?"

"Barely breathing," I say honestly, after all, she was temporarily 'family'.

"Well, now, you know Prince wouldn't approve of that," she does the nervous laugh again. "There's a lot riding on your breathing," she adds.

My eyes get big, "I'm sorry?" I play stupid.

"The bay-bee," she draws the word out and her voice takes on that sweet as honey tone that Prince often used, except she punctuates almost every sentence with that nervous twitter.

Instantly, I realize she just may be my key to find out what exactly was going on with Prince, "You know?"

"I sure do, I was told to keep an eye on you," again with the laugh.

"Tyka, you do know that Prince divorced me, right?"

She groans, "Yes, he told me that after he told me about you being pregnant. I loved my brother, but sometimes he didn't make much sense to me."

It's my turn to laugh nervously, "I know exactly what you mean."

"Anywho, I have some things I need to get to you, and I know you have a ton of questions, but I'd rather not talk about it on the phone."

"O-okay, but Tyka, I don't plan on returning to Minnesota anytime soon," I confess.

The laugh again, "That's okay, I have some business to take care of down there. Just tell me when you'll have a couple of free days, and we'll go from there."

"Whenever is good for you. I just have an OBGYN appointment on the 3rd, that's my only pressing commitment at the moment."

"Sounds good, I'll be in touch, then. Take care of yourself, and especially that baby, you hear?"

"I hear."

We disconnect and now I have even more thoughts swirling through my head. Tyka knows about the baby, the divorce, and what else? She has business down here, I wonder what that could be?

As I pull on my glove and dive back into the garden, I can't help but hope to hear from her soon.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now