Part 27

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Other than a couple potty breaks through the night, my sleep is otherwise uninterrupted. I have just woke to use the toilet again when the sound of the doorbell surprises me. Great, I think, I didn't pack a robe, as I look down at one of the silk nighties that Prince favored so much. I think about dressing, but instead I dash into his closet and grab one of his robes, pulling it on as I make my way to the elevator. The elevator door behaves itself and allows me to press the button before opening, I ride down, then rush to the front door. I'm there just in time to see a familiar form heading down the steps, I punch out the alarm code and open the door. "Ray?"

He stops, "Oh, there you are! I thought you might still be sleeping. Did I wake you?"

"No, I had just woke up, but I didn't have a robe." I shake my head, I'm sure he doesn't care about my lack of packing abilities.

He starts back up the steps as I spot the stack of containers on the porch, "Here, let me bring those in for you," he scoops them up and I step back from the doorway to follow him into the kitchen.

"Ray, you're so sweet, but you don't have to feed me," I already choke back the tears for his kindness.

"My pleasure, Ma'am, these are just for today. How long are you staying?"

"Thank you," I wipe away tears and shake my head, "I don't know, one night in this house already seems too long," I sigh.

He nods knowingly, "I can imagine."

"Would you like some coffee?"

"No, thank you," he declines, "I have to get back to the restaurant, enjoy these, and take it easy. One day at a time, huh?"

"Yeah. Thank you, again."

"No worries. I'll be here about the same time tomorrow," he smiles as he heads toward the door.

I lock the door after I wait for him to pull out of the drive, then, at my stomachs loud plea, I head straight to the kitchen to eat. I put the bottom two containers into the fridge and remove the lid from the top one, it's still steaming hot. I'm so blessed to have all these wonderful, caring people in my life, I think to myself as I savor the breakfast that was brought to me.

With a full belly, and clothed, I head out into the garage where the totes I left were stored, and find them right where I knew they would be. It occurs to me that going through and possibly condensing my things first will be easier to handle. I pull out and begin to separate each item that's been packed away into a keep pile and a donate pile. I probably don't need any of the things, but some hold a stronger sentimental value then others, and I'm able to condense the three totes into less than one and a half. Now I need boxes to bring this stuff for donation, I think as I stand and dust myself off. I return to the house and grab my purse, phone and keys to make a quick trip to the Home Depot for some boxes.

I return to the house a short while later with probably more boxes than I'll need, more bubble wrap, some heavy duty tape, and permanent markers. Once my donate items are packed up and marked, I grab a couple boxes and one of the empty totes before heading upstairs to deal with his closet. I pick out several outfits, along with the matching shoes, that brought back fond memories for me and pack them carefully. I also pack a pair of his pajamas, with the matching robe, I smile because he hardly ever wore them. I'm not too proud to say that every pair of his socks went into the tote as well. I select a few vests, and jackets before moving onto his accessories. The man owned more costume jewelry and sunglasses than most women, and that is just the limited amount that he kept here at the house, his closet at Paisley holds much, much, more. I was able to place most of the pieces into their original boxes for safe travel, and I stare down at my overflowing tote. Part of me wants to keep everything, and part of me tells me these are just things, basically I'm keeping these things for show and tell for our daughter.

I pull out my phone and call Tyka. "Hey, how are you doing?" she asks.

"Good and bad at the same time," it's my turn for the nervous laughter. "Um, I think I have everything of Prince's that I'm willing to keep, but what should I do with the rest of it? Can I bring it to Paisley?" I had heard the rumors of Paisley Park being opened up as a museum.

"I don't see why not, but make sure you have everything you want, because you won't be able to get it back." I look at the line of clothing and sigh, telling myself I can't keep it all.

"Okay," I sigh.

"Honey, you don't have to do this now. That stuff has been sitting there and it can continue to," she explains.

"I know, but I don't know when I'll be back up. I don't want strangers going through his things."

Her words are gentle, but truthful as she says softly, "They already have been."

I can actually feel my heart ache with sadness with the thought of strangers touching his personal items. I feel angry at the same time, too. These are Prince's things, what right do they have?! I stop before I start ranting, because, by law, I am just an ex wife, I have no right either if it wasn't for his sisters insistence.


I've been silent too long, "Yeah, I'm here," I sigh.

"If you have things you want to return, just call Kirk, he'll help you. Okay?"

"Okay, thanks again, Tyka."

The laugh, "You're welcome."

We disconnect and I set up a box and begin to fill it with items to return to Paisley.

When the closet is empty, I stare at the stack of boxes. This is what it all boils down to, isn't it? Once we're gone, all we have left are memories and things.

Getting his closet sorted away, I move on to his vanity. Here is where all my common sense flies out the window, I keep everything. Every ounce of makeup, primer, lotion, bottles of hair care product, most of which are almost empty, mascaras, eyeliners, eye shadows, makeup brushes, that he never properly maintained, his razor, colognes and hair picks. I find a couple stray hairs hidden amongst the clutter, I keep them, too, folding them carefully into a tissue and placing into a plastic baggie.

At this point I feel I'm losing every bit of self control and I stop myself. I go back downstairs, grabbing my keys and purse again, I drive to the Arboretum.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now