Part 17

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I spend the remainder of the day out in the garden, mentally analyzing each piece of paper that was included in the envelope. It shakes me to the core that he had possibly put that all together recently for me. Well, not just for me, since he knew I was pregnant. I smile, grateful he salvaged and sent all of our photos, now I have our own personal images to show and share with our child.

I do like I always do in the garden, working until dusk before I drag my physically and emotionally drained body back into the house. I prepare a small healthy dinner, and start to run a hot Epsom bath. The tub is almost half full, before I question if this is safe. A quick Google search indicates it is not wise, and I reduce the temperature by running more cold. Crap! I love my hot baths, I think. This quick, warm bath leaves me less than relaxed than I had hoped, but it is what it is.

Still wrapped in a towel, I move into the bedroom and light a few candles. I remove one of the CDs that's intended for our baby and place it into my CD player. I lay down on the bed and close my eyes as the music starts. Its Prince on piano, and I smile as I flashback to him playing in the wee hours of the morning. While I listen I allow my fingers to draw slow, soothing circles over my abdomen. It doesn't take long before I'm dozing.

My eyes open and I see the sliver of light coming from under the bathroom door, it's Prince, I think as I snuggle my head into the pillow. Within minutes I hear him crossing the carpet toward the bed, the bed shifts as he climbs in, "Sugar?"


"May I cuddle you?"

The question throws me off, he knows I love him cuddled against me, "Yes, of course."

As his body presses against mine, instantly I feel safe and calm. A soft kiss is pressed to my bare shoulder. "I miss you so much," he says as I feel his arm tighten around my waist, although his last comment confuses me, the warm feeling remains.

I reach to take hold of his hand, it's not there, "Prince?"

The piano music draws my attention again. Prince is home, I smile as I throw back the covers and cross the bedroom. I pass through the sitting area and out onto the loft, I look down and see Prince at the piano, his eyes are closed. I make my way down the stairs, he looks towards me when my foot hits the landing, and I join him when he pats the bench beside him. "Why are we here?" I ask, looking around the foyer.

"We were happy here," he smiles as he plays.

I frown while I nod, "Were?"

When I look down, his hands are folded in his lap, but the music still plays. I look up with my face questioning him, he reaches to cup my face in his palms, "I'll always love you, Sugar." He leans in to kiss my mouth, my eyes close as I feel the warm softness of his lips. When I pull away, we're sitting on the chaise in the twinkle lit vineyard, a tear slips from his eye. A painful heaviness settles in my chest as I watch the tear make its way down his cheek and come to rest along his jawline.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

He nods sadly, the tear falls. I take his hand in mine and look off into the darkness of the vineyard, trying to breathe and hold back my tears. When I turn my head back, he's gone.

I wake up with tears streaming down my face, and I'm clinging to my pillow, "I miss you, too," I say out loud, just in case he can still hear me.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now