Part 45

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It's early evening on Sunday when Marcus pulls into the drive in Bernadette's car. Derik and I are in the backyard going over his spelling words for the final time when Angel appears through the gate, "There you guys are." Angel turns and manages to yell, "Mom, they're back here," before Derik races over and seizes her in a hug.

"Were you good?" she asks Derik with a serious expression as she looks at me.

I nod, "I think he may have actually been babysitting me," I admit with a laugh as I walk to meet them.

"Good," she says and I give her a hug as Derik runs to his grandma. "How are you feeling?" Angel asks me.

"Tired as usual. How are you feeling?"

She sighs, "Tired, too and a bit sick to my stomach."

"The whirlwind trip or something else?" I ask discreetly in front of Derik as I search her eyes.

"I'm sure it's the something else, I was really bad with ..." she nods toward Derik then quickly quiets as her mom approaches.

"Did you have a good time?" I ask Bernadette cheerfully.

"Lovely dear, just lovely. I won some money on the slots, too," she grins. "But, this old woman is tired, I just wanted to say 'hello' before I left." She hugs Angel, "I'll call you tomorrow," with a wave to me she disappears through the fence and I hear her car start.

Marcus joins us and since he also looks tired, I say, "Well, I'd better get going myself, I have everything pretty much gathered."

"Stay tonight, please, your appointment is at 10, there's no sense in you going home," Angel pleads.

Marcus nods in agreement and Derik bounces, "Please!"

"Angel, I can go to my appointment by myself," I say, but when her arms fold across her bosom, I know I have no chance of winning this argument. "One more night," I sigh playfully, Derik bounces even more.

We sit around outside and talk about their trip until dark, then move inside to watch television together. Derik and Marcus manage to stay awake okay, but Angel and I catch ourselves snoozing, creating new humans is exhausting. When Derik's bedtime rolls around we all admit defeat and go to bed.


When we get to the obstetrician's office in the morning, I find out that Angel has requested to see my doctor, and her appointment is directly after mine. She fills out her most of her paperwork while in the waiting room until my name is called, then she finishes in the exam room with me. My doctor is pleasantly surprised by this new development, and jokes, "You caught the fever, huh?"

Angel laughs, "Looks that way," she says as new tissue paper is rolled onto the exam table and we trade places. It seems like yesterday, but also a million years ago that I was going through the same beginning process.

As Angel is examined we talk about the much needed break in the heat now that it's almost Halloween, I nod animatedly, massaging my watermelon belly. Both women laugh and the doctor comments, "Yeah, I'm sure you're happy." She looks at Angel, "The weather shouldn't be too bad for you either, I estimate your due date on or around June 23."

Hearing a due date makes the pregnancy concrete, and tears well up in my eyes. "Don't you start," Angel scolds me with her own glassy eyes.

"Our babies will grow up together," I sniff.

"Stop it," Angel wipes away a tear, trying to stay hard.

The doctor just grins as she looks at Angel, "I'll see you in four weeks," then she points at me, "and you in two." She turns back to Angel, "Congratulations, Angel," and pats her shoulder. We both schedule our next appointments and head out to lunch.

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