Part 47

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As the next couple weeks pass, I find myself in the nursery more and more often. Without much else to do besides maintaining the house and verifying that I have everything I need for the baby's arrival, I'm left to fill my time by wandering around the house, visit local shops, and hang out at the mall. As colder weather moves in, I spend a lot of time looking out the window at my yard. I'm partly grateful for the cooler weather, because my need to maintain the garden isn't overwhelming, although it would give me something more productive to do.

I stop my thoughts for a minute as I go through some of the newborn clothes I had purchased and smile at an outfit I'm considering to bring for Anastasia's homecoming. It's moments like these that I think are the hardest, Prince should be here, I think to myself, to be part of every facet of welcoming our child into the world and bringing her home. I wipe away a tear and carefully fold the outfit, setting it off to the side until I've made my final decision. A few more outfits get weighed as contenders, and I end up choosing two, bringing them back down the hallway with me to my bedroom to pack into my overnight bag. Packing the bag seems a bit premature as far as I'm concerned, but I woke this morning with the sudden need to get this accomplished.

  Packing the bag seems a bit premature as far as I'm concerned, but I woke this morning with the sudden need to get this accomplished

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As I peruse the items in the bag, feeling satisfied that I have everything that I need, the baby starts doing her stretches

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As I peruse the items in the bag, feeling satisfied that I have everything that I need, the baby starts doing her stretches. "Oh, Anastasia," I say out loud in discomfort, rubbing circles over my belly to calm her, "I know, I'm ready, too." It's the evening before my appointment and I'm as restless as the baby is, it seems. I move from my bedroom to the kitchen where I peek into the refrigerator out of habit, then finally distract myself with the television before giving in and going to bed.


Due to a conflict in appointment times, I am able to drive to the obstetricians by myself today. Although this is what I've argued for all along, I find it lonely without Angel's presence, even the doctor is surprised to see me by myself. After another sterling visit, I stop to talk with Angel and Marcus who have just arrived in the waiting room as I make my way out. "Come in with us," Angel pleads with puppy dog eyes.

"Nope," I grin at her as I shake my head. "I love you both, but this is something you guys need to do without me. I need to start doing more on my own," I add.

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