Part 61

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Part 61

With all of us fed, I stop and check my phone again, there's nothing. No messages, no missed calls, nothing, since I'm a worrier, I call Marcus's number.

"Hello?" he sounds sleepy.

"Did I wake you?" I instantly feel bad for jumping the gun.

"Dana, um, yeah, a little bit, but that's okay," he stumbles as he becomes coherent.

"Dana!" I hear Angel yell in the background, "Get this baby out!"

"What am I supposed to do?" I laugh, "Jump on her belly?"

Marcus laughs, "She'd probably let you at this point. Actually, we've seen some progress this morning, but it's slow."

"That's good," I try not to sound disappointed for them, I know she's got to be miserable. "Well, I thought I would check in since we all just ate, but you call us as soon as things start moving."

"You have my word," Marcus says softly.

When I hang up, Derik is watching me. "Is everything okay?"

I nod, "Sometimes when a baby's just not ready, it'll find a way to make you wait." This answer doesn't seem to satisfy him. "Maybe, we could say a little prayer together. Would you like that?" Derik nods enthusiastically.

We sit down cross legged on the floor facing one another, Anastasia in my lap. I reach for Derik's hands and he takes mine, watching me closely. I close my eyes, trying to think about what to say, while Anastasia coos and babbles away.

"Dear Lord,

I pray for Angel to have a safe and uncomplicated delivery, and for Marcus to have peace and strength and to be a supportive help for his wife during this time. I pray that Chloe is born healthy, and for joy for the entire family, as they welcome this new little soul into the world.


"Amen," Derik says softly. Anastasia squeals, she has no idea what this new game is, she's just happy to be in the middle of it.

It isn't an hour later, my phone rings. "Things are starting to move, you might want to leave soon," Marcus sounds excited.

Derik looks anxiously at me, and when I smile and nod to him, he runs for his shoes. "We're on our way," I tell Marcus before disconnecting. I'm so glad that we had all gotten dressed right after breakfast. A quick peek inside Anastasia's diaper bag reminds me that I hadn't replaced the bottles or made time to pump recently. It's too late now, I'll just have to nurse at the hospital, I think. I toss in a couple jars of baby food and send Derik to grab a couple of extra diapers from the changing table, just in case.

Somehow, we manage to get out of the house and on the road in about fifteen minutes. When we're just a few miles from the hospital, my phone rings again, it's Bernadette. "Hello?"

"How close are y'all?" she asks excitedly.

"Pretty close, how's it going?"

"Well, my dear, I'm looking at the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen," she gushes.

"You're kidding me?! Already?!" My eyes are huge in disbelief, when I glance into the rear view mirror to gauge Derik's reaction, an identical look of surprise is on his face.

"Chloe's already born?" Derik asks dumbfounded.

"Yes, Sir," Bernadette sniffs, "Y'all come straight up, we're waiting for ya."

"Angel good?" I ask quickly.

"Yes," Bernadette gets out before I hear the undeniable sound of a newborn cry, I smile.

"Okay, I'm parking, we'll see you soon," I hurry to disconnect the call and shut off the engine. Suddenly, we come to a standstill, the shock of Chloe's quick birth seems to have hit home. "Are you ready to meet your sister?" I ask Derik, whose eyes are still glazed over.

Slowly, he nods and a huge smile crosses his face. I hit the button to release my tailgate, there's no way I'm forgetting the stroller this time. Derik unfastens himself and meets me around the back, struggling to carry the heavy diaper bag. I take the bag from him, looping it over the handle of the stroller before going around to remove a still sleeping Anastasia from her car seat. I get her settled into the stroller as Derik dutifully stands nearby, but I take notice he looks sad. "What's wrong, Derik? Aren't you excited?"

"I forgot Chloe's present at your house," he looks down at the asphalt.

I stroke his back, "Oh, Derik, it'll be okay. She's brand new, she'll never remember that you forgot. Come on, let's go meet her." His hand reaches out, taking hold of the side of the stroller and we carefully make our way through the parking lot and into the hospital.

In the birthing suite, Angel has the look of a women running on pure adrenaline. I park the stroller off to the side and go to her first, I know it won't be long before she'll need to sleep. "How ya doing, Kid?"

"Good," she sighs, relieved to be through delivery. "Once things started to move, she was out like a shot."

I see Marcus nodding in agreement, "It was the weirdest thing." He smiles, cradling the tiny bundle, "Would you like to hold her?"

"In a minute," I gesture towards Derik, he's still standing by Anastasia's stroller.

Marcus moves over to him and squats down, "Here's your little sister."

Derik's eyes scan the sleeping baby, then he reaches out to softly touch the top of her head before he smiles up at Marcus. "I think I'm going to like being a big brother...Dad."

The 'dad' is hesitant, but we all catch it. Every adult in the room exchanges silent, teary, eye contact. Marcus stands, offering me Chloe, I take her without hesitation.

He reaches down and scoops Derik into his arms with a tearful laugh, "Thank you, Son." They hug each other tight, this is a really big deal.

We are all crying tears of joy, Marcus became a Dad today, twice.

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