Part 33

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The next morning starts like any other, I get up, get dressed and get my coffee brewing about the time Ray appears at my door with more meals for the day, "So, you're still here?" he seems pleasantly surprised.

"I am.  It's all Tyka's fault," I joke.

"I'll have to remember to thank her," Ray laughs. 

I shake my head, "All this food would have been wasted if I wasn't here," I say sadly.

"Oh, no, that would never happen. I bring food to the less fortunate and a few other people I know who are going through rough times," he shares with me.

"Of course," I smile at his logic and generosity. 

"That's where I'm headed next.  A friend of mine, his brother is a single dad, he just lost his job and is having a really hard time.  It's a shame, too, his son had just started music lessons and had to stop them because he can't afford the added expense right now."  When he sees my pained expression, he says, "Temporarily, of course.  If Prince were still around, he'd make sure that child's lessons would continue."

My eyes shift downward, then my face lights up as a thought comes to mind, I grin at Ray, "Prince is still around!  Do you have a minute?"

Ray eyes me warily, "Sure. You look like you got something up your sleeve," he grins, "I've seen this look before, but not from you."

"I'll be right back," I rush upstairs, pulling out half of the cash I had tucked into my purse and return to Ray slightly breathless.  "Here," I extend the small bundle of cash out towards him.  "You trust the guy to use this for his son's music lessons?"

"Yes, I do," he grins back at me, "are you sure?" he makes no move to take it. 

"I'm positive. You know how Prince felt about music and children, he'd want this.  One stipulation," Ray frowns, waiting, "I would love to hear this child play for me the next time I come up to visit."

Ray nods with a smile, taking the money, "I'll pass both along."

"Thank you, again, Ray." 

He waves the bundled money at me and jogs back to the van. 

I return to the kitchen to eat my breakfast and wait for Tyka's call.  As I am placing my mug into the dishwasher, my phone rings. 

"Hey," I answer because I'm expecting her call.

"Hey," she laughs, "we've got the okay to put furniture in that house.  So, you ready to go shopping?" 

Since Tyka doesn't know that shopping isn't my thing, I fill her in, and much to my surprise, she isn't big on it herself, "I'm so glad to hear that," I tell her, relieved to know that she won't keep me going long after my comfort level has expired.  I agree to pick her up again because I want to stop by the house to get an idea of sizes and placement before we go.  

As I pull up in front of her house, she's waiting by the curb wearing a big smile.  As she climbs in she hands me a key, "I had a copy made for you."

I thank her and a thought crosses my mind, "Oh, I have to get the other key back to you before I leave tomorrow, don't I?"

"No, you can leave it on the counter when you go, but I will need to release the alarm code to them," she reminds me. 

I don't know who them is, but I know she needs the information.  "It's easy, it's our birthdays, June 7, August 7, so, 6787."  Tyka nods as we pull into the driveway of the house I had chosen.   The front room of the house is the only room that has furniture, a sofa and chair, they're neutral enough that I can live with, but I dislike the area rug.  I scan the room, all I really need is a new rug and curtains.  I move into the kitchen, here's where today is going to get more hectic as I decide I need to pull dishes, cookware, glasses, silverware, towels and maybe even some bedding from the other house that the new owners would be bringing in anyway.  A little more work for me, but less purchasing while we are out today.  Tyka sees me working through things in my head, "If you need anything moved from the other house, Kirk said he'd be more than happy to move it, just tell him what and where you want him to put it."

After walking the house, I turn to her, "I think just the desk and chair from my office upstairs, into this back bedroom."  Tyka nods, "That's all?" I look around and nod, smiling, Prince's computer, books and paintings will complete this new little office for me to use while I visit.  "Don't you want your bed?"

I laugh, "It would never fit, it's a California King, I never understood why he felt we needed such a big bed.  A queen is more than enough for just me," I think out loud, "Okay, let's do this."

We're back in the car and on our way to buy furniture for the house. 


Two stores and almost three hours later, the cargo area of my car is filled with window treatments, and odds and ends.  Deliveries are set up for the two bedroom sets, a coordinating crib, a dinette set, and a large area rug to replace the one I don't like in the living room.   Everything was put on the credit card that Prince had supplied me, and by the last purchase I joke with Tyka, "This thing is going to self destruct." 

She just grins knowingly and shakes her head, "No."

We stop to get a bite to eat before heading back to the house, "Does your husband have a power drill?" I ask during our meal.

Tyka frowns and her eyes open wide in amazement, her expression so much like Prince that I get shivers, she laughs, "No, why?"

"I need a small one, it will make hanging these curtain rods and blinds so much faster."  I'm still in awe at the extensive remodel of the house, but not one set of blinds had been installed.  

"You really are something," she says between bites, "You're going to do this all by yourself?"

"It's not difficult, just time consuming," I take another bite myself, "Do you want me to take you home before I head to the Home Depot?"

"Aren't you tired?" she asks worriedly. 

"Exhausted," I confess, "I was hoping to leave tomorrow, but..." I let it drop, because I can't see that happening now.  

Tyka changes the subject, "I'm so glad you bought that canopy set, I can't wait to see it in the house.  I only had the two boys, I always wanted a little girl."

We had spotted the elaborate, white canopy set as soon as we walked into the store.  Even though I absolutely adored it, it seemed such a waste to purchase it when it wouldn't be used for years.  "You have to get it," Tyka begged, "it's fit for a princess!"  I caved easily, and a coordinating crib was purchased to use until our daughter is big enough for the bed.  


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I smile, "I was such an easy push over," I laugh at my weakness

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I smile, "I was such an easy push over," I laugh at my weakness.  "You already know this child is going to have me wrapped around her little finger."

She smiles and nods with tears in her eyes, "All of us will be, she's kind of a big deal."

I think about her words, something tells me Tyka is right about this baby girl.

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