Part 14

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The next morning I'm back out in my garden, I still have this odd sensation of being detached from reality. Even when I had 'shut down' after signing the divorce papers, it was a totally different feeling than this one. As I go through each day, and watch everything continue to go on as if nothing ever happened, I wonder how it's all possible with Prince no longer on this plane of existence.

"But I'm still here," I hear in my head. The words shock me I freeze and look straight ahead like a deer in headlights. The words were so real that I can actually replay them in my head. Great, it's official, I'm going crazy, too, I think to myself as break up some dirt with a trowel.

Just when I've cleared my mind, I hear the sound of an car engine coming up my drive. Frowning, I set down the trowel and get up off my knees, when I think about the possibility of paparazzi, I retrieve the tool from the ground. I peek around the corner of the garage at the Town Car that's now parked in my drive. As I head past the car, I'm just in time to see a large man in a suit headed around toward the front door, so I follow carefully.

Once I get a clear view, I recognize the man as Maurice, Tyka's husband, and I announce myself excitedly, "Hey!"

That's when I see Tyka crane back and smile, she does that signature nervous laugh. "Hey, Girlie," as she comes back down the steps and pulls me into a warm embrace. For as different as Prince and Tyka are, they are also so much alike.

When I get that familiar feel from her hug, I start to cry. "Now, now, you have to stop with those tears. Prince hated seeing his ladies cry," but she doesn't release me right away, she clings just as strongly as I do, there's comfort here.

She releases me and I do my best to wipe away my tears, "Come around back and I'll get us something to drink. I don't have much but water and orange juice."

As soon as I say orange juice, Tyka slips a finger under her sunglasses and wipes away a tear of her own. "Of course, the orange juice," she laughs as she follows me, "it's good for you."

"Yeah," my tears slip free again as I lead them around the back.

"Maurice, grab that envelope, please," Tyka says as we pass the car, and I pause until he can follow us again.

I bring them in the back door and motion to them to have a seat. Maurice wants nothing to drink, Tyka takes a glass of water and I grab some juice. The envelope is handed to me, it's a large padded mailer and I'm surprised that it isn't very heavy. Written in Prince's hand across the front is just Dana with a heart drawn around it. On the back flap, is Sugar, again with the heart, it is sealed with heavy packing tape.

"What's in it?" I ask as I flip it in my hand.

"I don't know," Tyka says quietly, "it was on the nightstand by his bed at Paisley Park," her eyes get big as she remembers something. She reaches and pulls a ribbon from around her neck, a ring dangles at the end. I start to cry as I reach for it, I recognize it immediately, it's Prince's wedding ring. "It was on top of the envelope," she offers as I sob uncontrollably while I hold it.

"On top?" I repeat as I look down at it, the memory of slipping it over his knuckle at our ceremony replays in my mind as if it were yesterday. I pull it from the ribbon and slip it onto my right ring finger, it fits.

"Yes, probably because he was still wearing it the last time I saw him," she adds quietly.

I wipe away my tears, "He was? When was that?" I have to know.

"Um, the Tuesday before," she answers vaguely, but that's all the information I need.

Somehow it helps me to know that he didn't remove his wedding ring either. I wrack my brain, but I can't remember seeing it on his finger in Atlanta, it seems to me I would have noticed that. I want to tear into the envelope, but something tells me I need to be alone. So I change the subject temporarily, "You said you had business to take care of, too?"

Tyka nods, "Prince gifted the vineyard back to the original owners, I have both your Quit Claim Deeds to turn over to them as well as the Gift Deeds. Of course his gift came with a couple of conditions," the nervous laugh is back. She thinks for a minute, "You are able to come and go as you please, the chaise gets delivered back to you, and I'll need your signature on the deed for three acres of land that the owners have agreed on to remain in your possession."

"But I signed off of the property."

"Yes, and you got three acres given back to you through your own Gift Deed."

I shake my head in disbelief, he still managed to keep me tied to that vineyard, but what exactly am I going to do with three acres of property?

"I need to sit down," and I start unsteadily for the armchair.

Instantly they are both at my side, once I'm seated, Tyka squats down in front of me, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just wasn't ready for all this. I have a lot of questions, Tyka," I meet her eyes.

She nods, "I know, and I'll tell you what I can."

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now