Part 31

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Tyka sits in the back of the SUV with me, her worry still evident on her face although I assure her that I am fine. Kirk sneaks glances at us in the rear view mirror, studying me closely as he drives. Our first stop is an American fare restaurant, Houlihan's, where I order and devour a Parmesan Crusted Walleye. My love for walleye goes way back to my very first trips to Minnesota, before Prince and I were ever together. I had avoided ordering it ever again out of my respect for him, but it sure did hit the spot today. I can see both of them relax as they watch me eat while they are eating. By the time we've all finished, there is no trace of tension left on their faces.

We sit at the table for quite a while after we eat and I feel like they're trying to stall taking me to Paisley. Tyka had already paid the bill, so we were free to go, but here we sit. "You guys are stalling," I finally remark.

They look at each other and nod, "Dana, are you sure you want to do this today?" Tyka asks.

"Yes, I have to get home," I say quietly.

Tyka looks down at her hands resting on the table, her voice sad, "Home as in Tennessee?" When I nod, Kirk looks out the window, Tyka sighs, "There's no way we could convince you to stay here in Minnesota?"

Her eyes peer at me, and sometimes even they remind me so much of Prince's that I have to look away, I shake my head sadly. "Tyka, Prince walked out of that house and never returned for a reason. Being there these last few days without him, I can understand his reasoning. I can't describe the feelings."

"But you two were happy there," she offers.

"We were happy there together. Prince never returned because that together was gone, I wasn't there. I had to come back, but I can't stay, it's not the same place."

Tyka nods, and even Kirk even seems to have a look of understanding about my decision. Tyka takes my hand, "You're carrying his child, my niece, I want to be a part of her life. She's all I will have left of my brother, other than my memories."

"I'll visit, but I can't live here. Prince used to run from these winters, he loved it here, but not the cold," I laugh as I remember him shuttering one time in front of an icy window. 'Time to travel, Sugar,' he'd say and we would pack and jet off somewhere warmer.

Tyka and Kirk laugh at their own recollections, "He did do that," she says. Kirk nods with a grin, "Every winter," he confirms.

"Okay, I see your point," Tyka sighs and she finally makes the initiative to stand, "I guess we better get going to Paisley."

In the SUV, I ask, "Is there another property I could stay at when I come up to visit? Maybe closer to you, Tyka?"

Tyka and Kirk eye each other, slow smiles cross their faces, "Yes, there are a couple, but they're not much bigger than my house, and they're unfurnished."

I think about her answer as we pull into the gates at Paisley, "I don't need big, and maybe we could use some of the furniture from this house?" I think out loud.

"Would you like to go see them with me tomorrow?" she asks. A look of relief washes over her face when I nod. A smile is exchanged between her and Kirk, they seem happy to have me considering other options.

Things become serious again as the engine is cut, Tyka cranes around in the passenger seat to look back at me, "Things are a little different here, we can't just stroll in like we used to before. We have to check in with the security that has been put into place." I nod, I should have known it was going to be different, she continues, "Leave your cell phone here, but they'll want to see your driver's license," she warns before she opens the door.

We step out of the vehicle and make our way to the entrance, Prince's bicycle is still in the vestibule. I stop to look at at, I don't dare touch it or I know I wouldn't be able to hold my tears back. "I know," Tyka says, "it's hard to take."

When we step into the Atrium, I am eyed suspiciously while Kirk and Tyka are recognized and greeted. "My sister in law, Dana," she introduces me.

They frown, "Mr. Nelson wasn't married at the time of his death," the guard shoots back coldly, "Your ID, Ma'am?"

I hand him my license, while Tyka replies, "The divorce is a technicality, she's still family."

"Ms. Nelson," my ID is handed back and Tyka explains we are here to drop off some personal items of Prince's, I'm eyed suspiciously again.

"Mostly clothing," I elaborate.

"So, we'll be heading up to wardrobe," Tyka tells him, he nods and returns to stand behind what will always be Monica's desk to me. "We have three boxes," she tells him and we head back out to the SUV.

We each come in carrying a box and I pause when Kirk starts up the stairs, I look questioningly at Tyka. "The elevator has been sealed off," she whispers, when I tilt my head, "you don't know?"

I shake my head, "He was everywhere in the news, but I did my best to avoid it, like maybe it wasn't true if I didn't hear it."

She nods, and Kirk hesitates mid step as he listens, looking back at me sadly, then continues up. I follow him and Tyka brings up the rear, I'm uber careful carrying the box up the stairs, I don't want to fall. When we make it to the top, Tyka puts her hand on my arm and whispers, "Do you have your key?" I nod, "Set down your box, and take a minute," she points to the left where Prince's suite is.

"Am I allowed in there?" I ask as I set down my box.

"No ones allowed in there, that's why it's locked," she winks and softly pushes me, "Five minutes."

I move quickly down the hallway, the doves see me but stay quiet, I slip my key into the lock and open the door, stepping in, I close it behind me. As soon as I lean my back against the door, I'm overwhelmed with his scent again. Maybe this wasn't a good idea, I think, as I walk through the living area into the bedroom. Everything looks as it always has, except the bed is unmade, like he had just thrown back the covers, and the closet door is ajar, his bible rests on the nightstand by the phone. I step into the bathroom, this is harder, just like the the vanity was at home, everything is laid out as he left it. I can only assume he had brushed his teeth before bed, as the toothbrush and toothpaste still lay near the sink. A pair of socks still lay discarded by the shower, the cleaning women must not have been allowed to return here afterwards.

I head back into the living area and look around, trying not to cry and refusing to say goodbye, I alter the phrase from a well-known story, "Good night, my sweet Prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

I leave his suite, making sure to lock it behind me.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now