Part 75

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Great friends, comfortable conversation and laughter soon eases my anxiety enough for me to regain my appetite and enjoy my light dinner before we head to Paisley Park for our tour. 

On the car ride over I remember Tyka mentioning earlier that we needed eight people for our private tour.  "There's only four of us, Tyka.  Are they going to turn us away?" I ask out of concern. 

She makes a face at me that I had seen many times before on Prince.  "Let them try," she laughs confidently, then adds, "I have another surprise for you, but Reese and the boys are on standby if need be."

"Okay," I smile feeling relieved. Seeking a hint for the surprise, I glance toward Kim, she just shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head. 

When Tyka pulls into the parking lot at Paisley Park, the most recent, unhappy memories flood back first.  I hadn't set foot into this building since I had returned some of Prince's things from the house.  Before that, I was summoned here to sign divorce papers, I quickly close my eyes and shake my head, doing my best to drive the bad memories away.  When I open my eyes again, my attention is drawn to the freshly planted flowers in front of the building.  Now I can smile as the fond memories start to resurface, for I was the one that was allowed to select and arrange those flower beds for several years.  

I'm pulled from my thoughts when another car parks a few spaces away.  I can't see who's driving from my vantage point in the backseat, but Tyka grins over her shoulder at me before she opens the drivers door to get out, Kim follows suit. Winking at Anastasia, I quickly unfasten my seatbelt to join them outside the car.  I have just closed my door when I see who the mystery driver is, it's Shelby!  She has already crossed the small distance, and has scooped Tyka into a big, bear hug before I am able to round the back of the vehicle. 

When Shelby releases Tyka and spots me, a wide, surprised smile engulfs her features, "Dana?!"  Before I can respond, I'm pulled into one of her signature, powerful hugs.   Shelby releases me from the hug only to hold me at arms length while taking me in, "Tyka said we had a special guest coming on this tour, I had no idea.  It's been too long."

"It has," I nod in agreement, I really haven't seen Shelby in person since our wedding.   I see Shelby's eyes shift from me when the sound of Tyka's back door opening draws her attention.  I only way I can describe Shelby's initial reaction to when she lays eyes on Anastasia is one of a person who has possibly just seen a ghost.

Shelby recovers quickly, though, her radiant smile appears once again.  "Hello there, and who might you be?"  Shelby addresses Anastasia. 

Anastasia moves swiftly against me before responding, "My name is Anastasia."  Her words are barely audible and she casts me a questioning glance, I place my hand on her shoulder for reassurance. 

"I'm Shelby," Shelby introduces herself, "It's a pleasure to meet you." When Shelby offers her hand to Anastasia, she takes it automatically, this is something she has grown familiar with because of all her dance competitions.  Throughout the whole introduction, Shelby eyes me questioningly, I know she knows who's child this is.

When an awkward silence falls over our little group, Tyka extends her hand out to Anastasia, "Come with me, I want to show you something."  Anastasia takes her hand and Tyka leads her, and Kim, across toward the entrance of the building.  I see Tyka pointing and talking while Anastasia listens carefully.  Shelby keeps her eyes on me, waiting for me to return my attention to her. 

"So?  How have you been?"  she asks, her eyes examine mine.

"Busy," I smile sheepishly.

"I can see that," her eyes flash towards Anastasia, then back to me.  I silently smile and nod, confirming her suspicions, Shelby's eyes get misty.  "I knew it!" She says in hushed excitement then grins back at me. 

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