Part 44

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I find that watching Derik is hardly a chore at all. He is very mature for his age and knows what's expected of him. I had anticipated a bit of friction the first night at bedtime, but everything went smoothly. After Angel had called to check in on us, he went right upstairs to get a shower and put on his pajamas with no fuss. We watched some of his usual television programs until 9:00 pm, then he hands me the remote and gives me a hug. "Goodnight, Aunt Dana," he says before heading for the stairs, "I'll see you in the morning."

Having to be up at 6:30 in the morning, I end up heading to bed not much later than Derik. I smile when I check in on him on my way to the guest bedroom, he's sleeping peacefully with an arm draped over the well-worn, stuffed sea turtle that Prince had bought him years ago. Seeing him with the toy after so long really pulled at my heartstrings, it seems Prince really had made a lasting impression on the child.

When my alarm sounds in the morning, I groan with displeasure and tell myself, just one more day. I shuffle down the hallway to use the bathroom, and when I finish and open the door, Derik is standing in the hallway already dressed. Crap! I think, when I see him, I need to get him something for breakfast, "Hey!" I say, "You're already dressed?!"

"Yep," he says matter of factually as we trade places.

"I'll be dressed and downstairs in just a minute to get you something to eat," I tell him.

"It's okay, Mama said for me to eat cereal, I can get it," he says before closing the bathroom door.

I nod at the closed door and head back to the bedroom to get dressed, then make my way carefully downstairs to get my coffee brewing. I'm sitting at the table sipping my coffee when Derik joins me in the kitchen. He's such a little man, I think as I watch him pour his cereal into a bowl, add some milk and start to eat. "I'll make you hot breakfasts this weekend, I promise."

"Can we have pancakes?!" his eyes get big.

"Sure, if you want. What else would you like? I'll go shopping this afternoon," I offer.

"Eggs, sausage and hash browns," he says with a full mouth.

Now I'm hungry, I think to myself. "Great choices," I tell him as I stand up to grab a bowl so I can have some cereal, too.

When he's finished, he runs back upstairs to brush his teeth and we're on our way.


Marcus and Angel get married on Friday evening, the 21st of October. Derik and I are able to watch it streamed live over the internet while we eat our pizza. Angel looks stunning in a cobalt blue maxi dress, and Marcus looks very handsome in his dark suit and a tie that matches Angel's dress. The ceremony is short and sweet, but tastefully done. Angel swings by the camera to wave to us on her way out, and without thinking that she can't see us, we wave back. Derik was as excited to be able to see them get married as I was, it was the next best thing to being there.

After our pizza we head out into the backyard where Derik sits to draw on the concrete patio with sidewalk chalk. "What should I draw?" he asks me.

I shrug, "Whatever your heart desires."

Derik makes a typical Angel scowl, "Come on, name something," he pleads.

I think about how he snuggles with that stuffed sea turtle, "How about a sea turtle?"

This interests him and he sets to work on his drawing, the sea turtle is drawn and colored in, then a sea of blue starts to get colored in around the turtle. I take breaks from my reading to watch the drawing come together, and when he starts adding stars, I tilt my head, "Starfish?"

"No, stars."

I nod, apparently, this sea turtle swims through the night sky. "Derik, do you have to be to bed by 9:00 tonight?"

"Nope, no school tomorrow," he answers as he colors in another star.

I have a sudden craving for ice cream, "Want to go get ice cream when you're finished?"

Derik's eyes get big, "Yes!" He speeds up on filling in the remaining blue around the turtle and the stars, then gathers his chalk back up into its container. "Ready?" he asks me, dusting chalk off his hands.

I laugh, "Yeah, I'm ready."

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