Part 8

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Monday morning when I wake up, my first order of business is making phone calls. The sun is shining and I want to be outside, even though it's still a little chilly. I grab a blanket, my cell phone, the number Angel gave me and a yogurt before I head out back. A young, but sweet sounding woman, answers at the Woman's Care Group, I ask about them accepting new patients, first. When I'm told they are, I begin to fill her in on all the other pertinent information, my age, the miscarriage, my last period, etc. and an appointment is scheduled. Other than having to relive the whole miscarriage to provide information for them to get my medical records sent over, I was feeling pretty confident, until she asked about insurance. Shit, shit, shit.

When I had terminated my job in Tennessee, I was given the option to continue with my medical insurance policy at full cost to me. Unbeknown to Prince, I approached Monica with the bill to continue my policy, she understood my fears and told me, with a smile and a wink, that it would be taken care of. With Monica's termination, I have no idea if my policy is still current, but I give the woman at the clinic my insurance info in hopes that it is. Now, I really need to call Prince.

It's just after 10 am when I dial the number for Paisley Park, it rings four times before the machine picks up. Leave it to Prince to still rely on such an ancient device, oh, how I miss hearing the sound of Monica's pleasant voice. There's no greeting, I just wait for the beep, "Hey, it's me again. I'm sorry to bother you so soon, but I need to talk to you, it's kinda import..."

"Sugar?" he picks up the call stopping me mid word.

My eyes close when I hear his familiar baritone, "Prince," I whisper.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yes and no. I didn't think you'd be up yet," I confess.

"I'm still up. Would you rather talk to the machine?" he laughs.

I laugh, too, but mine is a nervous one, "I hate that thing, and no, this is too important." The line is quiet, he's waiting. "Prince, I don't know how to tell you this, but..."

He doesn't let me finish, "I know."

The line is silent on both ends now, I take a deep, shaky breath, "You know what?" He can't possibly, I think to myself.

"That you're pregnant," I can hear a sadness in his voice.


"I saw it in your eyes that night in Atlanta. That's why I made you promise me that you would take care of yourself."

It's not logical that he could know, but nothing with Prince is. I'm at a loss on how to continue the conversation, do I ask about the divorce? The insurance?


"I'm still here. So...where do we go from here?" I'm hopeful.

I hear him sigh, "The path is set, it's in God's hands, now."

Great, I think, now he starts with the cryptic riddles, "Prince?"

"Dana, I always knew you would make a great mother," he continues his thoughts.

"And you, a wonderful father," I add quickly. The line falls quiet again, so I shift topics, "I have an appointment May 3, would you happen to know if Monica had renewed my medical insurance?"

"Yes, Sugar, it's paid through the end of the year." His voice softens, "Please know that you and our baby will be well taken care of, you have my word."

I take a deep breath, the words 'taken care of' does not sound like we will be reconciling the divorce, I try one more thing, "Prince, I miss you."

"I miss you, too, Sugar, more than you'll ever know. Just believe in me and trust this ride. I love you, Baby, forever and always, but I really do have to go."

"O-okay," but something in his choice of words sounds familiar, I struggle to place where I heard them before. " I love you, too." None of this is making sense, I'm banished, but yet he loves me.

"Forever and always? No matter what?" he asks for affirmation.

"Forever and always, no matter what," I have to choke back tears because it's true. As I repeat his words, I unconsciously spin my wedding rings that I have yet to remove.

"That's my girl," he says, before he whispers, "Bye for now, Sugar."

He disconnects before I can say my goodbye. I sit on my back porch staring at nothing for the longest time while I replay his words in my head.

The path is set.

Just believe in me and trust this ride.

Those phrases repeat over and over, I've heard them before, I know it. In a trance I move into the house, I have to take my mind off this phone call, it felt so final.

This phone call proves I have to face facts and start officially transferring myself back to Tennessee. With the drivers license, mail, vehicle registration, etc., that should keep me busy most of the day, I think to myself while I stare at the line of dresses Prince had bought for me in my closet.

The path is set.    Just believe in me and trust this ride.   I fall into auto pilot and prepare to leave the house.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now