Part 10

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The first two days I wander around in my darkened house, the blinds remain closed because the cars refuse to leave. Turning on the television or signing onto the computer to distract myself proved to be more harmful than good, as images and speculation about Prince are everywhere. I decide to do what Prince and I had done when we were overwhelmed. I retrieve the personalized bible that he had gifted me and begin to read, although it does help ground me, it isn't the same without him here beside me.

After being imprisoned in my own home for three days by the paparazzi and entertainment news people, I have had enough. I select a pretty dress from my closet, fix my hair and apply some makeup before heading towards the front of my house. I open all my blinds, then slipping on a pair of dark sunglasses, I step out onto my front porch.

I stand patiently with my chin up and my hands folded as a few of the paparazzi snap some shots before they tentatively approach the steps. I only react when one particularly aggressive man makes an attempt to mount the stairs. I hold my hand out in a 'stop' gesture and slowly shake my head, he steps back reluctantly. An entertainment news crew comes scrambling with a large movie type camera, when they arrive to the group, I remove my sunglasses and a barrage of questions are fired at me.

When the yelled questions cease, I say loudy, "I will try to answer some questions, within reason, of course," and I point to a gentleman.

"How are you taking the news of Prince's death?"

"Pitifully," I point to another man.

"Is it true that divorce papers were signed less than a month ago?"

"March 23 to be exact."

Before I can point to another man, he shoots another question, "What was reason for the divorce?"

"Next question," I hurriedly point to the next person.

"Will you petition as heir for the estate?"

I shake my head, "I have no interest in petitioning, Prince was not a monetary asset to me. I loved the man, not his money."

"Were you aware of his drug use?"

I had heard the rumors, I knew this would arise, "I never saw any indication of drug use."

"Why didn't you attend the services at Paisley Park, were you not invited?"

I take a deep breath, "Several people from Prince's inner circle had contacted me about the service," I pause. "But I had never stepped foot into Paisley Park without Prince being there, and I wasn't about to start now."

The divorce question man pipes up again, "It was said that he was found in the..."

I glare at the man, stopping him in mid question, "Understand that I am grieving the loss of a man I love very deeply. Please respect that, or I will be forced to question your integrity as a human being."

One man that had been quiet so far, raises his hand, "Had you had any interaction with Prince since you left Minnesota?"

I look down at my steps and nod, "I was invited to attend the Atlanta matinee and we talked briefly in his dressing room. Then twice more by phone."

Divorce question man tries again, "When was the last phone conversation and what was it concerning?"

"Monday, and our conversation was personal," there's a hard edge to my last word, as my eyes flash towards him. I smile to the rest of the crowd who hadn't been as intrusive, "No more questions, please." I slip my sunglasses back on and turn toward my front door.

Divorce question man, "What are your plans now?"

I stop and face him, "Grocery shopping." Sarcastically, I add, "Shall I read you my list?" I raise an eyebrow at him while the rest of the group titters at my retort, he looks less than pleased and remains quiet.

The small group begins to disperse as I enter the house and close the door behind me. I only make it a few steps before I crawl myself down onto the floor and sit staring up at the ceiling, "Prince, I still need you."

The tears come again.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now