Part 35

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When we get back to our house, we sit in the car for a few minutes staring at it, I have such mixed emotions.  As much as I hate the fact that I've decided to let the house go, I'm also filled with dread at the thought of spending additional nights here alone.  Tyka stays quiet and waits patiently until I finally open my door and step out, then she follows me into the house. 

Since it has already been a very long day and we're both weary, I decide we are just going to grab and go, I can fine tune details tomorrow.  I sigh, that means another day here, and I make a mental note to call Angel and let her know I'll be a few days longer than expected. 

"Where do you want me to start?"  Tyka asks.

"I guess the bathrooms, gather all the towels and washcloths.  I'll start in the kitchen," I delegate what I deem is the easier task to Tyka.

"No, Ma'am, you're not lifting all that heavy stuff by yourself, we'll work on the bathrooms together.  I call Reese to come help us with the kitchen," she pulls her phone from her pocket and punches a couple buttons.  While she's on the phone, I stroll into the kitchen and start opening cabinets, instantly I'm grateful she's calling her husband, moving the dinnerware alone seems a daunting task.  

Tyka appears in the opening, "My boys are coming, too," she grins. 

I smile, but I feel bad that everyone is being pulled away at a moments notice to help me move all this stuff, "Thank you, Tyka.  I feel bad putting them out."

"You're not putting anyone out.  They're my kids, they do what I tell them to," she laughs. 

I laugh, too, because both her 'boys' are tall, strapping, handsome, young men, and I've seen this little woman scold them, it's a comical image. "They're good 'kids,'" I admit with a smile, even Prince adored his nephews. 

We decide to head upstairs to gather what we can, and some of the boxes I had purchased to make transferring the kitchen items easier. Tyka heads for the stairs and I stop her with a gentle touch on her shoulder, slowly shaking my head, "Prince doesn't want me using the stairs."   Her look is inquisitive but she stays silent,

I explain the elevator 'malfunctions' my first day here, she nods knowingly, "Sounds like him," she agrees. 

We clear out the linens from the hall bath first, then Tyka follows me through our bedroom into the master bath.  She spins around in awe, she's never been off the main floor, "I think I'm starting to understand why you've decided to let this place go, it is a bit much for you and a baby." 

I nod as I look around, our bedroom and bath take up half of the upstairs footage, "It's ridiculous, isn't it?"

"It's amazing, but too much house," she looks sad as well.  

"You've seen my house in Tennessee, Prince seemed quite comfortable there.  His suite at Paisley isn't huge by any means either, I never understood why we needed all this."

"Because he loved you and he could afford to give you anything you wanted," she says thoughtfully. 

"I would have lived in a cardboard box with him," my eyes fill with tears, I still would, I think, if I could only have him back.  

"He knew that, Honey.  Come on, let's get this stuff downstairs, the boys will be here soon, and you need to get some rest," she pats my tummy.   With everything that's been going on, I didn't forget that I'm pregnant, but I've pushed the knowledge to the back of my mind in order to get everything accomplished. 

We had just finished loading the linens into the back of my car when 'the boys' show up.  Not only is it Maurice and Tyka's sons, it's Kirk and his son as well.  With five men ready to go and two large SUVs at their disposal, I'm soon left with nothing more to do than point and direct.  Kirk and his son get my desk and chair loaded up, then help me gather the remaining books from Prince's office, I'm please to be able to keep all of them. 

Before very long, the caravan is enroute to the 'new' house.  Anytime I tried to help or carry anything, I was politely shooed away, so I resume the pointing and directing of where things need to go.   This is very difficult for me, because I'm not bossy person, but everyone seems in good spirits and happy to be contributing to my move.   In record time, everything that was transferred from our house is soon put in its place here. 

"Wow," I say as I make my way room to room seeing everything already put away. 

Tyka comes up to me with husband and sons in tow to give me a hug, "Now, go home and get some rest," she orders. 

"Yes, Ma'am," I tease as I relax into the familiar energy of her embrace.  I continue to pass out hugs and 'thank you's' to Maurice and her sons before they climb into their SUV and head home.   Kirk and his son are up next, more hugs and thanks and they are on their way,  leaving me with nothing left to do but drive home. 

The drive home seems twice as long because I'm tired and hungry.   I reheat one of Ray's delicious meals as soon as I walk into the door.  When I've finished eating, my exhaustion takes full effect. All I have enough energy for is the elevator ride upstairs where collapse fully clothed onto the bed, succumbing to sleep instantaneously.

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