Part 30

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I walk the garden slowly, taking in every leaf, every petal, every drop of moisture still clinging to the blades of grass in the shady areas. By my third trip around the yard, I have made my decision. Climbing the stone steps, I sit in one of the chairs underneath the canopy of trees, I stall for a second to scan the back of the house. Pulling out my cell phone, I try to sound upbeat when Tyka answers, "Hey?"

"Hey. Um, are you doing anything?"

"Nooo," she drags out the word, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, uh, I was wondering if I could get into Paisley, just for a few minutes?"

"You're leaving aren't you?" she sounds disappointed.

I sigh, "Not today, but soon. I know you said to call Kirk about bringing some of Prince's stuff back there, but I would like to be the one to bring it back. It's just something I feel I need to do."

Her voice is calm, "I understand. If you have the things sorted, I can call Kirk. We'll come to get you and help, okay?"

"Yes, that would be great." My words lack emotion.

"Just make sure you really don't want those things, you won't be able to get them back. Give us at least a half hour, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Tyka," it comes out barely more than a whisper.

"You're welcome, Honey, see you soon."

I hang up and go back into the house, and upstairs into Prince's closet. I remove everything from the boxes and deliberately repack them, piece by piece. It's all just things, they can't bring Prince back, and I find that everything I had packed returns to the boxes.

I carefully carry each box one at a time and place them in the back of the elevator. I look around the room trying to think of anywhere else Prince might've stashed personal items, my eyes fall on his nightstand. When I open the drawer I chuckle, he never threw away any of the leftover condoms from when we had to be careful for that brief period of time after my miscarriage. Other than those, the drawer is empty.

I ride down with the boxes in the elevator, then repeat the process, depositing them one by one by the front door. I go back into the office and sit at the computer, I power it up and reread the note. I stare at the top of the desk for a few minutes, and soon I begin to feel nauseated, my throat burns, my head starts to hurt, and I feel tired. Not physically tired so much as it feels like my soul is weary. I reach for my cell phone to photograph the note, but I hear a voice in my head say 'don't live in the past.' I close my eyes and set the phone down, I'm really starting to feel bad and I worry that I'm pushing myself too hard by being here.

An ache starts deep in my bones, my joints feel stiff, I flex my hands and look at them, even they ache. Oh, please don't let me be coming down with something, I think to myself, I was fine a few minutes ago. I look back up at the note on the screen and do what I came in here to do, I delete it. It was meant for me and only me, it had fulfilled its purpose. I push away from the desk, now my body is aching so bad I have to physically pull myself up from the chair, a small grunt escapes my lips. When I stand to move the chair back into place, a sharper pain radiates through my hip, almost causing me to collapse. I hold onto the desk and when I try to take a step forward, I'm forced to limp. This sudden onset of symptoms is strange and worrisome, I limp around the chair so I can shut off the computer. I'm going to have to have Tyka and Kirk run me to an emergency clinic instead, I think as I flip the switch. With the buzz of the computer shutting down, the bone aches, joint pain, nausea, and hip pain all disappear like magic. I stand there bewildered, what the hell did I just experience? I walk around in the room, testing the leg I was limping on, nothing, I'm fine. When I get to the door, I frown as I look around the room one more time, shaking my head. I leave, closing the door behind me.

I'm still in a stupor from what had occurred inside the office when I see a large SUV pull into the drive. It's not the same as what Prince always had on hand, this one is a Chevrolet, and I see Tyka in the passenger seat. The SUV parks, Tyka gets out and Kirk rounds the front of the vehicle as I open the front door. Tyka looks at me wide eyed, "Honey, are you okay?" she does that nervous laugh, then says something I consider odd at the moment, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Felt one, maybe, I think to myself. "I don't know, I was feeling funny just a minute ago," I fudge the truth, "but I'm okay now." This last part is mostly true.

She approaches and places her hand on my forehead, "You're a little clammy. When was the last time you ate?"

I look up at the sky and think, "Almost nine."

"Well, it's past two, now. We'll grab those boxes and we'll all go get something to eat first," she says as she studies my eyes. Kirk nods in agreement, he looks as worried as Tyka does.

I nod obediently and let them load the boxes into the SUV for me.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now