Part 63

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The excitement builds up until the day of our flight to Minnesota, then apprehension kicks in when it's time for us to head to the airport. I haven't been on a plane in quite a while, and the last time was on Prince's private jet with him. Now, I'm traveling first class, on a commercial airliner, and with a baby. I feel oddly like a criminal as we go through the whole security checkpoint routine. Oh, Prince, I would give anything for this trip to be as carefree as ours were when we were together, I think as we go through the metal detectors.

When we board the plane, I realize that first class doesn't have much to offer other than slightly larger seats and extra legroom. I'm thankful Tyka had thought to purchase seats for the both of us and that it's a relatively short flight. I was slightly discouraged by some of the sideways looks I received as I struggled to our seats carrying Anastasia, her car seat and a bulging diaper bag. I could almost hear them thinking: Oh, great, a baby, but I remind myself that our seats were exactly the same price as theirs and I have just as much right to be there as they do.

With the help of an attendant, I get Anastasia's car seat secured into the aircrafts seat and make myself comfortable next to her. She's alert and curious, her big eyes taking in everything from what's happening outside the window to other passengers passing by. She rambles on in baby speak, banging her hands on her legs with excitement, and drooling. I'm taking care of the later with the corner of a receiving blanket when Anastasia cranes her head trying to look around me. Since she's flashing a big grin, I turn to see what has caught her attention. A woman, about my age, in the closest chair to us across the aisle, is smiling and waving at her.

"She's stunning," she says to me as she continues to wave.

"Thank you," I say bashfully. Then I really look at the woman, she's all decked out in purple, an image of Prince stares back at me from her bosom. Oh, my God, don't panic, I tell myself.

She laughs as I stare at her shirt, "Are you a fam?"

I fight back tears, "Yes, you could say that."

"Are you going to Paisley, too?" She's grinning, excited with the prospect of our chance meeting.

I open my mouth to speak, but it takes seconds for the words to come. "No, I, uh, actually...we'll be visiting family."

"Oh, you should go! This is my second time, it's so healing."

I absorb her words while my mind relives every time I had been within the walls of Paisley. She's is right, though, the place is magical. "Maybe I'll visit," I take a breath, "I'm just not sure I'm ready yet."

"I understand," she stretches to pat my hand, "you'll know when you are."

There's a welcomed lull in conversation as a voice comes over the speakers announcing that we will be preparing for takeoff, followed by the typical rules and instructions. I turn my attention back to Anastasia, who's looking around wide eyed for the disembodied voice. I watch her reactions closely as the plane starts to taxi, then take off, she's curious by all the movements, but stays unbothered. "You are your daddy's girl," I whisper to her, leaning to kiss her head when we're finally stabilized in the air. She handled this better than I do, I think to myself, just before the woman across the aisle initiates conversation again.

"Have you read Mayte's book?" She holds up her copy, causing me to stare at the beautiful photo on the cover.

Again I stammer, "No," oh, please don't make me discuss this woman, I think to myself. I've seen Mayte all over television and the internet promoting her book, I know she was part of Prince's past, but, in listening to her, some things just don't seem to jive. Prince never brought up his ex wives to me, not in conversation, not in reference, nothing, and I prefer to keep it that way. I do know he was upset prior to filing for our divorce because of Mayte trying to sell some of his personal items for large amounts of money, but I had learned of that through Monica, not Prince.

"I'm reading it again, it's really interesting to learn about the man behind the public image," she continues.

"I'm sure he was just a regular guy," I pretend to speculate.

"It seems like he was. Who knew?" she seems surprised.

I did, I think, trying not to roll my eyes. "Excuse me," I say as politely as I can, turning my attention to removing Anastasia from her restraint, I have an overwhelming need to hold our child. As I'm doing my best to keep Anastasia occupied during the flight, the woman, who seems to feel a comradery towards me, tries repeatedly to engage in gossipy conversation or pry with personal questions.

"Nice ring," she says when she notices Prince's wedding ring on my right hand.

I nod curtly, "My late husbands," I say dryly, keeping my eyes on Anastasia.

"Oh, I'm sorry. How long ago did you lose him?" She's slow to take a hint, I think.

I look over at her in utter disbelief, "Not too long ago." I swing my head back to focus on Anastasia before adding, "I'd rather not talk about it, if you don't mind."

"Oh, yeah, sure," she fumbles. She finally takes the hint that I'm not going to entertain her, and opens her book, she begins to read. What I had thought was going to be a welcomed distraction of idle conversation has turned into somewhat of a nightmare.

Not long into the flight, Anastasia grows hungry and starts to fuss. I had packed some baby food in the diaper bag, but I choose to nurse her out of convenience. I situate myself in the chair, turning away from the woman across the aisle and unbutton the top of my dress. With Anastasia latched and feeding, I allow myself to close my eyes and relax, only to hear the woman across the aisle start chatting up the passenger next to her. Of course, she's telling her about visiting Paisley Park and all the other places she plans on stopping at a second time. She's also seems to be very well versed on rumors about Prince, as well as what the estate is doing, or not doing. I find myself growing more and more irritated by the moment, I want to scream: You didn't know him! Shut up already!

When Anastasia gets her fill and starts to get drowsy, I put her back into her restraint, and pop in my earbuds to drown out the constant ramblings of the super fan. I place my hand on Anastasia's leg so I'll know if she wakes and take the opportunity to catch a nap with her.

When the plane lands the thought passes through my head that I am glad I had told Tyka NOT to pick us up at the airport, 'super fan' would have recognized her for sure. I'm loaded down and struggling with everything by myself, but thankfully, the counter for the car rental is close to the baggage area. Once we are situated in the rental car I breathe a sigh of relief, I just can't wait to get to my other little house. "Here we go, Kid," I say to Anastasia as I crank the engine. She's relaxed as she watches my reflection in the rearview mirror, I wish I could say the same as I put the car into drive.

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