Part 53

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With Anastasia finally here, I'm torn between excitement and exhaustion. Looking down at my bundled baby, I wished I had had more skin to skin time before we were separated so abruptly. "Does she have to be covered up like this?" I ask.

My doctor looks up from her paperwork, glancing to see if any of the hospital staff remains in the room, "No," she looks dissatisfied herself. "Every hospital has their own set of regulations for during and after birth care. I'm not particularly fond of their overly clinical approach, I don't feel they give new mothers sufficient bonding time. I suggest you do that now, because they'll be sending in a lactation consultant very soon."

Angel and Tyka exchange sad glances with me and the doctor as I begin to unwrap my baby. Once I have her striped to just her diaper, I drop my gown down in front and rest her against my skin again. Her sleepy eyes peek at me, her face looks as content as I'm sure mine looks at this moment.

After I examine her tiny fingers and toes, I cover us with the baby blanket she was just wrapped in and relish in this feeling of closeness. Staring down at our perfect creation, I frown as I notice, "She's kind of...yellow."

"Newborn jaundice, it's common," the doctor seems unbothered. "Her case is very mild. They'll keep an eye on her here, but I doubt she'll need any form of treatment for it." This bit of information puts me at ease.

The doctor asks me to spell out her first and middle name for the birth certificate records, that's when Tyka jumps to her feet and reaches into her purse. "I agreed to help prove paternity through an avuncular DNA test so that my brother's name would be on the birth certificate, but I also have this," she produces a small stationary envelope and presents it to the doctor. "His handwritten wishes to be named as Anastasia's father," she explains.

Angel and I stare at her in awe, she had never mentioned that she had this note in her possession. The doctor removes the note and reads it, nodding, "Well, with the DNA testing, this note, and I assume you have a copy of his death certificate?" Tyka nods, but the words death certificate stings. "There shouldn't be any problems listing him as the father. May I make a copy of this?" the doctor indicates the note.

"Of course," Tyka answers.

"May I read it?" my voice cracks with emotion, knowing he had set aside time to make yet another preparation before his demise.

"I made you a copy, just in case, it's in my suitcase," Tyka says softly, bringing the note to me.

To Whom It May Concern,

It is my wishes that my name appear as father on the birth certificate for the child born to Dana R. Nelson, in or about the month of December, in the year 2016.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Prince R. Nelson

It's brief and surprisingly precise, I feel this added addition will only help with proving paternity, hopefully as discreetly as possible. I return the note to the doctor so she can make a copy. She leaves the suite and when she returns, she also has a DNA kit with her. A quick swab is taken from inside Tyka's cheek, then packaged securely to be sent off to the lab for analysis.

With all these technicalities clicking into place, I relax back onto the bed. Anastasia's face starts to scrunch, and the doctor looks happy, "Someone finally hungry, where is that consultant?"

"Do I need one? Is breastfeeding that difficult?" I ask as I scoot up in the bed.

My doctor moves in to help me position Anastasia, then shows me how to align her mouth with my nipple. She latches too quickly, and it's too shallow, she soon releases and starts to cry. I follow the doctor's instructions, trying again, but again, it's a no go.

Everyone looks at each other uncomfortably as Anastasia cries for nourishment. I'm left frowning, feeling as distraught as I know my baby does. The consultant walks in just as I'm making my third attempt, with only slight variations to what I was initially trying, Anastasia finally latches and starts to feed. My eyes close softly in gratitude for her silenced cries.

With Anastasia feeding, the room falls so silent that you can almost hear the collective sigh of relief from everyone present, that is, until Angel's cell phone rings. Her eyes get big as saucers as she fumbles to quiet it. "Oh, my, God, I forgot about Marcus," she says as she rushes from the room.

Angel returns from the waiting room with Marcus, who remains a respectable distance from the bed until Anastasia has finished nursing. With me covered back up, his slight unease disappears and he approaches the bed to give me a hug and a whispered congratulations. The lactation consultant leaves, soon followed by my doctor, leaving just my 'adopted' family in the room with me. Anastasia gets passed to Marcus when the nurse finally brings me in something to eat and I devour every last crumb with gusto. Another nurse appears to check on us, curtly reminding everyone that since the baby is sleeping, I needed to be, too. When the nurse leaves, Angel and Marcus come over to say their goodbyes, but Tyka silently hovers over the bassinet, drinking in the vision that is her niece.

At this point I am so tired that my eyes will barely stay open, I stifle a yawn and Tyka smiles sadly, "I'd better go and let you get some rest," she says reluctantly.

It's at this point I realize that, not only does she have a forty minute drive, she'll be heading back to my place alone, suddenly I feel bad for her. "You can stay if you don't want to head back to an empty house just yet," I offer.

She smiles, "I would like to stay just a little longer." I see her mind working, "I'm going to go find something to read, you get some rest." She pats my leg as she walks past the bed, "Sleep," she says in mock authority, pointing at me as she exits.

"Yes, ma'am," I laugh, saluting her. As soon as she disappears through the doorway, I do just that, practically passing out from exhaustion.

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