Part 42

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There is a full week between the day that Angel had sprung the good news on me and the day before their flight to Las Vegas.   When they show up at my house two days prior for Marcus to mow my lawn, Angel is a bundle of nerves.   After a congratulatory hug to Marcus, he looks towards Angel, then back to me and gives me a 'help me' look before he climbs aboard my lawn tractor.  Derik is just bouncing with excitement that I'll be staying at their house with him, he has several movies lined up for us to watch over the weekend, and he even wants to make s'mores over their fire pit.  Angel temporarily switches her worry to leaving Derik alone with me, "Oh, God, what if something goes wrong?" 

I frown, "He's six years old, surely he will tell me what he needs," I mention matter of factually. 

"I meant with you," she says in a hushed tone.

"Oh, Angel, don't do this, everything will be fine.  Plus, if something went wrong, I know I can rely on Derik to be helpful.  He's very mature, and I know he could call for help if needed." 

She nods, "He knows how and when to call 9-1-1."

God forbid, I think, but instead I say, "There you go, we got this.  Now, do you have a pretty dress picked out?" She nods and her attention is drawn to her hand where she fiddles with her engagement ring nervously.  "Were you going to show me that?"  I indicate her ring.

"Oh, yeah," she extends her hand, "It's not as expensive as yours."

I take her hand and notice that she's already had her nails done, "Oh, Angel!  A tension setting? I love those!"  I grin at her, "Marcus did great, it's beautiful."

"Thank you," she says as she looks down at it again, I take this opportunity to pinch her upper arm, "Ouch, dammit!"

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"Thank you," she says as she looks down at it again, I take this opportunity to pinch her upper arm, "Ouch, dammit!"

"Don't compare our rings, these are two separate men, with two very separate tastes and budgets.  That is a lovely ring."  Angel nods again.

With Derik preoccupied with a coloring book, I pull Angel into the house to have a heart to heart talk with her.  I have her voice all her fears and concerns and carefully debunk them all.  I'm surprised to find out that Marcus has been discussing marriage with her since August.  "Angel, this man left an amazing job, with Prince, to move to Tennessee just to be with you and Derik.   He went out of his way to arrange a new lease agreement with me on this place so he could take care of the both of you.  Then he bought the perfect family home to move you both into.  I don't know, but he seemed pretty serious to me from the get go.  Marriage is just the next logical step."

She slaps my arm, but there's no force to it, "I hate when you're right," she finally laughs and sticks out her tongue.

I laugh, "I'll start packing some stuff that I'll need tonight.  What time do need to be at your house Wednesday?"

"Seven, our flight is at 11:00."

"You're killing me," I joke, "Derik can handle me taking naps, right?"

"Yes, he'll be fine, he knows to stay inside when I have to sleep late sometimes, but remember he'll be in school on weekdays." 

"That's right.  You will have everything written down for me, I suppose?" I ask, since I really don't know what his schedule entails.  

"Already is, and I'll call every night before his bedtime," she says quietly. 

As we talk about this aspect of her trip, I can tell she doesn't really want to leave Derik and it's understandable.  "Derik will be in good hands, don't worry," I pull her in for a hug of sorts, "You're getting married," I grin and release her.

Marcus strolls up behind Angel and wraps her in a bear hug, he looks happy to see her more at ease.  "Okay, I'll see you two at the butt crack of dawn on Wednesday," I tell them.

"Thank you, Dana, we appreciate this," Marcus says with his usual politeness. 

"Ugh," I wave away the thank you, "I owe you guys big time, don't mention it."  I get pulled in for a hug from Marcus, then it's Derik turn for a hug.  After Derik releases me, he pats my tummy softly and says, "Bye, bye, baby."  When Derik starts to climb into the backseat, he stops and turns to me, "When will the baby have a name?"

"Well, she already does, I guess.  I have one picked out," I answer Derik, but this peaks Angel and Marcus's interest as well. "You can start calling her by her name, if you like?" Derik nods excitedly.  "Okay," I start, "it's kind of a mouthful.  Her name will be Anastasia."

Derik's eyes get big, "Ann-anna-stay-ee-ah?"

"Close," I laugh, "I know it's a big name, but I'll let you call her Ana," I tell him.

"Like the song?" Angel interjects.

My face registers disbelief, "Oh, my God, I forgot about that song!  I just always loved the name, plus it means:  resurrection."

Angel and Marcus nod in unison.  "Anastasia what?" Angel asks.

"That was the hard part, but I settled on Starr, two r's," I say with a wink.  

Marcus doesn't catch on, but Angel smiles knowingly, "I like it.  It fits."

"I want to call her Star," Derik starts to twirl and dance around me:

"Twinkle, twinkle, Ana Star,

How I wonder what you are,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky,

Twinkle, twinkle Ana Star,

How I wonder what you are."

We all stop and stare, me with my mouth agape, as Derik continues to finish out the song, altering the lyrics of the song I didn't even know:

"When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Twinkle, twinkle, Ana Star,
How I wonder what you are!

Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark;
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, Ana Star,
How I wonder what you are!

In the dark blue sky you keep,
While you thro' my window peep,
And you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky,
Twinkle, twinkle, Ana Star,
How I wonder what you are!"

Angel and I are both in tears by the time he finishes and spins his way back to the car.  I'm not exactly sure why I'm crying over a children's song, and I have a feeling Angel's tears are a reaction to mine.  Maybe hearing the name I had chose worked into the song, or the fact that, even for a few minutes, it compared our child to an actual star, something worthy of amazement, either way it moved me and I couldn't be happier with my choice of names.  

I wipe away my tears and we say goodbye, we all have some packing and preparations to do before Wednesday.

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