Part 21

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With paint purchased and furniture scheduled for delivery in four days, I call it a day. Shopping has never been my thing, I find it tedious and highly stressful for someone as introverted as myself. Another reason being with Prince had spoiled me, I never had to shop unless I wanted to. Things were arranged and delivered and all I had to do was let him know what I liked or disliked.

I get home and deposit all the paint and supplies in the middle of the spare room, then flop onto the couch where I fall asleep almost immediately out of sheer exhaustion.

It's still daylight when I wake over an hour later, and I'm starving. I reheat some leftovers from the day before, devouring it as if it were the last meal I was going to see for a while. When I have finished eating, I decide that I need to at least tape off the spare bedroom tonight, so I can get a start on painting tomorrow.

I grab the CD player out of my bedroom and bring it into the spare room to help keep me motivated. One of the CDs that Prince had made for our baby is still in the player and it seems appropriate that I should listen to it while I prepare the room to be a nursery. I had only listened to a little bit of it before I had fallen asleep, so I start back at the beginning.

The sound of piano music fills the room, and I sit down on the floor to begin taping the baseboards first. The piano music calms me, making this boring task bearable. After one wall I realize why I don't paint that often, the taping and the cutting in are so time consuming, but I press on. With all the moldings taped off, I fetch a screwdriver and remove all the outlet covers. Since I'm more intrigued with the music on the CD instead of all this menial work, I find it easy to separate myself from the mundane and keep going.

A drop cloth gets spread and pry open the deeper shade of paint, after a good stirring, I start cutting in the three walls that will be painted this shade. The music on the CD tapers and I assume it's done, until I hear a creaking background noise and Prince clear his throat. I'm overwhelmed with tears and love that he didn't edit these things out, he begins to sing Hush Little Baby in acapella, my heart aches and I have to put down the paint brush because I can no longer see through the tears.

Then he speaks, "Hey, there, little one, your mama always loved me to play my acoustic guitar for her, I hope you do, too." Another creaking noise, then the scratching noise of the strings as he gets situated to play. When the pick hits the strings, I feel his presence and I absolutely lose it. Sitting down in the middle of the room, I look up at the ceiling, "Prince," I say out loud in between sobs, "you're supposed to be here with me."

It takes me a few minutes for me to regain my composure and pull myself from the floor. I scan the walls I had just cut in and check for touch ups before sealing the paint can and heading across the hall to the house bathroom. I can still hear the guitar music over the sound of the water running while I clean the brush. The music stops and I hear Prince clear his throat again, I turn off the water and listen closely. His voice sounds amused, "Let me tell you about your Mama, she's a piece of work," he laughs, "Stub-born! And difficult, but not as difficult as me." He pauses, "Chances are you're going to be a handful, and if anyone can handle you, it's going to be her." He begins to play and sing The Most Beautiful Girl in the World.

I smile in my happiness that he left these little tidbits for the baby to hear his voice, but I find it odd that he's sharing about me. This would have been a great chance for him to finally share some more about himself with the baby, since the baby is already going to know me. I shake my head and finish cleaning the brush, leaving it to dry on the edge of the sink. I return to the soon to be nursery and pause the CD then shut off the player, "Until tomorrow," I say out loud before I turn off the light and leave the room.

I return to the kitchen and grab a handful of mixed nuts to munch on since I feel hungry again. I don't want to eat much before going to sleep, which is my plan after a quick shower. When I finally settle into bed, I have a hard time letting go of the sound of his voice. His words replay over and over in my head, making me long for the feel of his body snuggled against me in the bed. I tuck the other pillow behind me, it's a poor substitute, but it's kind of comfortable, so I leave it there. I fall asleep hoping to see Prince in my dreams.

Morning comes and to my disappointment I don't recall any dreams. I shuffle to the bathroom and prepare to start my day of painting, hoping to recreate the finished image in my mind for our little girls room.

My LOVE is Forever (Book 4-1st Alternate Ending)Where stories live. Discover now