Part 59

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By the first week of June, I have my garden in order and, with the great combination of sun and rain we're having, it's growing nicely.  Anastasia, also growing faster than I could have imagined, is in the process of being introduced to solid foods. This, too, is going far better than I'd hoped, since she seems to have inherited my appetite.

Since growing seems to be the ongoing topic as of late, Angel looks ready to burst and she still has two weeks left until her due date

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Since growing seems to be the ongoing topic as of late, Angel looks ready to burst and she still has two weeks left until her due date. I feel sorry for her every time I see her, she looks so uncomfortable. Especially, with the fact that this summer is proving to be a steamy one already.

As I put Anastasia down in her crib for her late morning nap, I decide that I should take this opportunity to mow the grass.  I stay with her long enough to make sure she's content, then set up the baby monitor before I head outside.  Making a pit stop at the mailbox before getting started on the lawn, I'm halfway up the driveway when a postcard type advertisement catches my eye. Pictured on the front is a monarch butterfly resting on a purple echinacea flower, with the words:  "Turn your hobby into a career."

I stop in my tracks and flip the card over, surprised to find it's an advertisement for an online horticulture course.  As I read the detailed information on the cost, summary and outline, I can't help but think, why not?  There's no reason I can't.  I have the time, I love to learn, and the fee is more than reasonable at less than $600.  I continue to toy with the idea as I leisurely stroll up the remainder of the drive.  With the classes being online, it won't take me away from Anastasia, and it would be nice to learn more about my

hobby than just what I've learned through trial and error. 

This new prospect excites me as I enter the house and toss the mail onto the kitchen table to deal with later.  I check in on Anastasia once more to make sure she is asleep before plugging my headphones into the jack of the baby monitor and climbing aboard the lawn tractor.  School, I think to myself with a smile, that just may be the thing I was looking for.  

With the yard mowed, I check on Anastasia again before taking a quick shower.  Thank God for nap time, I think as I hurry into the bathroom to get cleaned up before she wakes.  Showered and refreshed, Anastasia continues to sleep long enough for me to have time to pump some breast milk for later.  As much as I didn't mind the constant nursing, this weaning has freed up so much time, making things so much easier now that I can give her a bottle after she samples some solid foods. 

Later in the evening, while I'm entertaining Anastasia on the floor, I call Angel to see how her appointment went.  "How ya doing, Kid?" I ask when she answers. 

When she lets out a sound between a growl and a groan, I ask, "That good, huh?"

"Stick a fork in me, I'm done," she hisses. 

"What did the doctor say?"  I ask tentatively. 

"She said if I don't go into labor by my due date, she'll induce me then."

"That's good news, right?"

"It's still two weeks," she counters. 

I decide to change the subject quickly, "Would Derik be interested in going to the Aquarium with us tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Angel doesn't even hesitate. "He's been so helpful around the house since school let out, but I know he would really rather be doing anything else.  I haven't been too energetic lately," she admits. 

"Well, I'm just starting to come around to feeling more like myself, so I know what you mean," I laugh.  Then I throw out, "I'm even thinking about enrolling in an online course."

"Really?  What course?"  she's instantly interested. 

"Horticulture. Well, it says Gardening and Landscaping, but it covers a bunch of things," I explain. 

Angel laughs, "Well, that's right up your alley.  Talk about an easy A."  She hesitates a second, "I think you should do it," her voice is thoughtful. 

"I think so, too," I agree. As my mind wanders back to the butterfly visit in the garden, somehow, I think Prince might agree as well.

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