Chapter 55

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A few minutes later I saw Kevin's head through the crowd and I waved at him. He was at my side seconds later and had his arm around me.

"Hey Kevin," Brandon greeted.

"What are you doing here? You told everyone you were going back to college," Kevin asked him, his voice strong.  Moments later Keith, James and Zack were standing in front of me, acting as a shield.

"My friend is part of this exhibition," he answered calmly. "He was number 30 I believe."

"What's his name," James asked. His hand was intertwined with Keith's and I could see their knuckles turning white.

"Shane," Brandon smiled. "He is very talented." He paused and looked over our heads. "There he is over there." Brandon waved the so called Shane over and I saw a familiar face. My heart nearly stopped once he got closer. It was the same Shane that helped kidnap me.

I pushed the guys aside and stood even with them, glaring at Shane. He shot me a kind smile, and for a second I thought he was a good person. Then I quickly remembered what he had done and any feelings that were kind were transformed into anger.

"You," I seethed. "You little cracker head cheese knuckle."

"Surprise?" Shane said. "I am glad to see all of you here."

"I can't believe you," Kevin growled at Brandon. "My own brother- my blood. You have been behind everything haven't you."

"Well this makes a lot more sense now," Zack muttered. "You registered the car under Kevin's name and since you live with him you easily have access to all the information needed. No one would suspect you because you were always Kevin's studious brother that didn't cause any issues in the family. You were in plain sight this whole time."

"Yes yes I know, I am so terrible," Brandon smirked. He ran his hand through his hair and I saw a glimpse of a black gun hiding under his jacket. "The game just started baby brother. I wonder if you will make it to the end."

"What is that supposed to mean," Kevin said, grabbing Brandon's arm. "I swear to god if you hurt any of them I will kill you."

"Charlie was almost taken down, and she is still injured isn't she?" Shane cut in. "We could just pay her a visit when she is getting her groceries or when she is sitting in her study working."

"And Rachel, what about you wonderful brother?" Brandon said, smug and proud. "He is a good person, but maybe I should pay another visit to him. But maybe not with a car. Maybe with I don't know a gun?"

I nearly pounced on Brandon but Zack held me back, while Keith was stopping Kevin from starting a scene.

"I swear if you touch him I wild come after you with a butchers knife," I spat. "You would have brought Satan to life because if you hurt Aiden again, I will be your worst nightmare. Don't you forget it." Brandon and Shane didn't answer. Instead they just smirked and walked away.

"This is only the beginning," Shane called over his shoulder. They both walked away and I felt like chasing them down and punching them. The only problem was Zack who was still holding me back.

"Rachel I know you are mad, and I am too, but we can't start a scene here. Theta will only make things worse for us," Zack said. "Calm down. We'll get this all sorted." I took some deep breaths and felt my heart rate slowing down. I nodded as a sign that I was calm and Zack let go of me.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket and I saw a text from my mom.

Where are you? They sad that they are postponing the show to a different day -mom

I am going out with a few friends so I'll be home later -Rachel

Ok. be safe :) -mom

Bye :) - Rachel

"Let's go to Charlie's," James said. "That really is out only choice right now."

"Let's go," I agreed. Keith had driven all of them in his car and we all piled in. I was in between Kevin and Zack, while James was in the passenger seat. The car ride was quiet with, music coming through the speakers at a low volume. We were all in shock and we were all angry to a certain extent. I held Kevin's hand, and I could almost see him relax partially. I put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. I couldn't explain it but even though we had just been threatened, just holding his hand and putting my head on his shoulder made me feel safe enough to take a nap.

"Rachel wake up," Kevin said. "We reached the house." I sat up and saw the now familiar house.

"Does Charlie know anything?" I asked.

"I texted her the basics," James said. We all walked inside, and the first thing I heard was a scream.


Hi guys!


I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the long wait but now I should be able to write more



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