6: First Impressions

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(Yoongi POV)

My whole body ached.

I inhaled sharply, my lungs aching painfully as they filled with cold air. And then the smell hit me. The pungent odor of disinfectant.

My eyes flew open and I immedietly started coughing uncontrollably, wheezing as I bolted up right to catch my breath. I sat there for a while, staring blankly at the wall as I panted softly, trying to catch my breath.
I rubbed my eyes, blinking to focus on the room around me. It was beginning to get light out, the blueish tint lightly covering the room. The events of last night came rushing back, making me frown deeply.

And then I realized I wasn't alone in the room.

Someone was breathing quietly, deeply in the recliner at the corner of the room, sound asleep. As soon as I noticed them, they shifted around, allowing me a better view of their face. I didn't know whether to scream, throw something at them, or run away...so I just sat and stared.

A boy with messy, golden hair sat there, his plump, rosy lips parted as he breathed easily. It was him...the pretty boy I'd seen in the hallway. He was in my room.

Something about him made heat rush to my cheeks, and I shook my head quickly. Something about  the way he made my heart flutter made me angry. As pretty as he was, what the hell was doing doing, sleeping in my recliner, in pajamas?

I threw the sheets off and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, standing and striding over the the sleeping boy. I crossed my arms over my chest and watched him silently with narrow eyes. Maybe he'd sense my presence and wake up.

After a few minutes, it was clear this boy wasn't gonna wake up.

"Hey..." I grumbled, nudging his foot with my own. He didn't budge.

"Hey!" I said a little louder, nudging him again. The boy only mumbled incoherently, but remained asleep.

"Wake up,  damn it!" I grasped his shoulder, shaking him quite roughly. His eyelids flew open, revealing his dark brown, sleepy looking eyes. For a moment, all of my anger seemed to subside.

His cute monolided eyes were slightly droopy, sharp yet soft at the same time. His lashes were dark, which contrasted nicely with his blond hair. How cool, we both had blond hair...

And then I remembered my whole purpose for doing this.

I grabbed the collar of the boy's pajama top, holding it tightly in my fist and pulling up roughly, making the boy stand. His eyes were wide, like a dear caught in headlights. He looked scared, and for a moment I hesisated. But right now, I couldn't allow myself to be swayed..

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" I spoke through gritted teeth, angry at his presence and angry at the way he made me feel.

"Um..well..." The boy hesitated, biting at his plump lower lip nervously. I narrowed my eyes, waiting.

"My name is Jimin...Park, Jimin. My room is down the hall...I'm a patient here.."

My grip loosened a bit as his words caught me off guard. This pretty boy...was a patient? The boy I'd seen singing in the halls...was Jimin? This was the person that doctor wanted me to meet?

My mind raced as I tried to comprehend everything. Jimin took advantage of my silence to speak up, his small hands coming up to gently wrap around the wrist of my  hand, which still gripped his collar.

"I wanted to introduce myself yesterday...but...Dr. Kim said you weren't feeling well...he told me I should wait till the morning to come visit again but I couldn't wait that long. I saw you, you looked so sad...I snuck in an hour or two ago...I wanted to make sure you were okay..."

"And who the hell are you to care?" I snapped, shoving him back as I released the collar of his shirt. I turned my back, walking towards the door. Maybe he'd get the signal that it was time to leave.

"I know what you're going through..." His small voice filled the empty space between us. Still, I didn't turn around as he continued. "I have leukaemia...I was diagnosed when I was 10." I could hear as his footsteps came closer. "If you'll let me, I'd like to be your friend. It's going to be long battle, and I-"

"I don't need your help." I grumbled. I reached for the door knob, turning it and pulling the door open. "I can fight on my own, thank you very much. No point in making friends if I'm gonna die soon anyway. Now leave."

He didn't.

Jimin shifted his weight around on his feet, running a hand through his messy hair. "You shouldn't think with that mindset...it'll only make it worse. You can talk to me. I'll always listen.."

"Just. Leave." I said firmly, turning around to face him now. Jimin didn't move, so I calmy strode over to where he was, grabbed him by the back of the neck, and guided him towards the door.

"Hey wait! Don't..."

I shoved him out of the room and immediatly closed the door. I could hear him sigh and then his slippers dragging on the tiles as he walked away.

I breathed a sigh of relief, closing my eyes briefly before walking towards the windows on the other side of my room. It was early morning,  maybe five or six... the city was quiet, only a few people were out and about.  I sat on the window ledge, my head resting on the cold glass as I stared outside longingly. I hated it here.  I felt trapped.

It was early,  but I wondered if Kirang was awake. Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I turned it on and dialed the familar number before putting it to my ear.

After a few rings,  a sleepy voice on the other end answered. "Hello?" Kirang's soft voice brought just a hint of a smile to my lips. 

"Hi." I spoke into the phone, soon hearing a gasp on the other end.

"Oh my God! Love!" Kirang breathed into the phone, before speaking louder, "Where have you been?! It's  been like.. three days! I called you so many times, and your parents too. No one answered!" I could hear her pout.

"You don't have to worry. That's why I'm calling you know. I'm sorry for my disappearance, dear. " I frowned, sighing softly before continuing,  "Do you think we can meet up later today..? I'd like to explain. In person. "

"I'm sorry, I can't. I'm out of town.  You can explain right now. " Kirang stated quickly, without giving it any thought.  I frowned further, using my free hand to pinch the bridge of my nose.

" Yeah, okay..." I hesitated, not knowing where to really start.

"...And that's where I am now, Seoul Central." Ten minutes later, I finished telling   Kirang what had happened.

She didn't seem to care.

"You'll get over it." "It's only temporary, right?" "How long before we can go shopping?"

After we'd hung up, Kirang's words were  what filled my head.  Maybe she was still half asleep, maybe she didn't grasp what I said.  She was very innocent, after all. I'd explain it again later, when I had the chance. 

My thoughts shifted to the bag my mother brought me, still laying on the floor.  I might as well unpack...

Once eveything was in a somewhat decent place, I took a seat in the leather recliner.  I'd have to go get more clothes from home later... and my car. I'd feel better if I knew I had my car.  That way,  I could take off when I needed time away. 

I leaned my head against the back of the recliner, my heavy eyelids dropping closed quickly. I couldn't fight it anymore.  My exhaustion took over, and I fell asleep, thinking about how much  I hated my life.

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