44: Goodbye

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(3rd Person POV)

"Mr. Min? Sir I have a report for you." Hoseok said as he stepped into the office. Mr. Min was standing near the window, looking out at the late night Seoul skyline.

"What is it?" He said, without turning around.

"Well..you see, I don't think it's necessary to kill Jimin anymore.." Hoseok stepped forward until he was only a few feet behind his boss.

"Hmm? Why's that, Mr. Jung?" Mr. Min scoffed.

"Yoongi and Jimin aren't together anymore." Hoseok explained, "They had a big argument, and it appears they ended things. Yoongi has been discharged from the hospital, so...I don't think they'll be seeing each other anymore. I sincerely think Jimin is no longer a danger."

"You're wrong, Hoseok." Mr. Min turned around slowly, "Now that they're apart, we should act on our plan. It's our lucky chance. Now more than ever, we can secure that no one will ruin our plans. Yoongi isn't gonna get in the way now."

Hoseok gulped, "Sir, I--"

"Eliminate Jimin within two days, Jung Hoseok. Or else..." Mr. Min made a slicing motion across his neck before chuckling and turning back to the window, "I'm almost positive you can pull this off on your own, but if you need help, I'll send over some of the guys. I'm gonna need proof once the job is done. You're dismissed."

Hoseok bowed respectfully before shuffling along to the door, his head buzzing from the order he was just given.

He had become a hitman with the Min company to kill the bad guys, not his friends...not Jimin, who wouldn't hurt a fly.

I'm so sorry, Jimin...
Yoongi walked up to the hospital through one of the back entrances. He was nervous, swinging around the bag he was carrying of different frozen ice cream treats.

He walked through the halls that he had called home just a while ago. They were empty, and quiet with everyone sleeping. His nervousness grew as he approached Jimin's door.

Jimin was also nervous, pacing around his room as he occasionally glanced at the clock. It was a little past midnight, maybe Yoongi wouldn't show up...

Just as he thought occured, the door opened and in came Yoongi.

The pair stared at each other for a few moments, each of them frozen with unspoken feelings.

"Jimin..." Yoongi breathed, his deep voice filling the quiet room. His heart clenched painfully at the sight of the boy that was no longer his.

Jimin's eyes began to water, his plump lips turning into a small pout. Yoongi set down the bag on the bed. He spoke gently.

"I..um, brought some sweets. I thought you might like them." Yoongi watched as Jimin shook his head, crossing his arms.

"What am I? A dog? You're trying to lure me in with treats?" Jimin scoffed and turned away.

"What?" Yoongi quickly shook his head, "No, that's not what I meant at all. I know you've been upset, and when Jimin's upset, he doesn't eat...you don't have to have some if you don't want...I just know you probably haven't eaten."

Jimin bit his lower lip, peeking over at Yoongi. He was right. Jimin wouldn't eat if he was mad, or sad.

"I see your meds doubled." Yoongi gestured towards the medicine bottles on Jimin's bedside table. 

"Yeah.." Jimin sighed,  shrugging his small shoulders,  "There's been a few changes. Apparently I'm allergic to a lot of things now."

They stared at each other in silence for a while.

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