Chapter Twentythree

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AN: pretty long and eventful chapter. Derek gif on the side


"I swear I have no idea how he even got my damn number," I explained to Harry for the third time. We've been sitting here for about five minutes, his questioning cold glares making me feel uncomfortable and my worried gaze making him feel the need to be more suspicious about everything.

Harry rolled his eyes, staring at my phone. "How the fuck does that douche bag have your fucking number? Damn it, out of all the guys why's it gotta be that jackass! Did you sleep with him or something?!"

I didn't have the time to be angry. Because fury boiled in my veins faster than a blink of an eye. He has no clue what happened between Derek and I. It's now suddenly this dip-shit has to show up when I'm finally certain I'm going somewhere with someone besides him. He's ruined my life since when I was fifteen. Derek is the reason I hate being in relationships, but still fall for a guy's words every single time. I hate that son of a bitch, and I'm not in the mood to discuss this.

My facial expression must've been livid when he said that. Harry immediately stopped frowning, now looking beyond terrified of my clenched jaw and wide, psychotic eyes. His eyes searched mine rapidly, in search for something obviously not there anymore.

"I did not recently. I lost my virginity to that asshole, yeah! But that was one fucking time and I'd appreciate it if you didn't prod this because he doesn't even fucking matter anymore!" I shouted, getting off the bed. Now I was definitely getting rid of the cramps. The angrier I got, the more my mind would focus on Derek and Harry rather than the cramps and my sore body.

My feet carried me down the hallway where he followed me. "What do you mean prod this?!" He shouted angrily right behind me. "You're my girlfriend! Don't you think I should know this!? You barely tell me shit as it is, so why can't I know about this jackass suddenly texting you?!"

I turned around mid way down the hall. Our eyes locked, fury fighting fury. My eyes turned into slits, mixing in with my vexed expression. "It's in the past. You don't need to know," I remarked, crossing my arms over my chest. I really didn't want to talk about this. Mine and Derek's history was a topic I was hoping never came up for the rest of my life.

Harry spread his arms as if he was going to hug me, looking lost for words as he sighed. He shook his head, inhaling deeply. "I've told you about myself. My past. But the point is, you're my girlfriend. I need to know the has beens. You know, I'm only trying to know you. I want to know what assholes before have done so I can actually treat you right. Give you what you actually deserve. I don't want to be the bad guy here."

"Trust me, you're not," I replied softly, looking down at the floor between us. I've come to realize Harry was sometimes too sweet for his own good. He made me seem like the bitch here. I didn't want to be that one. He just didn't understand that I wasn't exactly ready to talk about Derek. Anything else, yes I'll talk about. But Derek? That's a problem. When I'd talk about it, it'd almost seem like my whole world is going backwards into that time when I was stupid, naive and believed that someone actually loved me.

He took a few steps towards me, his hands grabbing my head in them. I was forced to look up at him, a frown laced upon his lips. "It's obvious we're both not in the mood to talk about these things. I'm not going to force you to tell me. But it seems as if this is a whole big shit of a deal here. And honestly, it's bugging the hell out of me."

"I'm anxious to know why you're so reluctant to telling me," he added softly. "If my opinion of you will ever change it'll be the day when I'm six feet under."

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