Chapter Thirtyfive

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A/N: incredible! i’m just so shocked right now i’ve reached my goal overnight! 5K votes! so as a gift, here’s another update.

my goal for this chapter is 200 votes! most of my chapters are so close to that! so vote, don’t be a ghost reader :)


I took a deep breath when I stopped at my front door. Emily and I just finished another jog and I decided to go back home. It’s getting me tired, but it’s good for the both of us and our health. She still hasn’t given up her dream about losing a few pounds. Even though to me she looks perfectly fine, I know she needs to feel good about herself before she’s actually happy.

The house was always silent when I walked in. Everyone would stop talking, pretending to mind their own business just to glare at my back. Samantha is probably the bitchiest of them all, beating my mother. Considering she’s not afraid to glare at my face rather than just my back, which surprises me because she’s usually very friendly.

Anyone could sense the tension. It was like thick, humid air. I get the sense of discomfort immediately when I get home, which only encourages me to get out more often. My father seems to be more affected by this. He would try and talk to me, but would give up mid-sentence.

“Everyone’s making a bet on whether you’re staying for the fourth or going out with your...troublesome friends, I quote,” Mia chuckled the second I walked into my bedroom and shut the door behind me.

I leaned against it, feeling my feet sore from all the running this past week. “I’m not surprised,” I replied, kicking off my sneakers. They’re talking about me left to right. It irritates me that I want to confront them about it but the mature thing was to push it aside. I guess I’m another trending topic for the church now.

In two hours, Harry should be here to pick me up. I rather be ready earlier than have to spend the last minutes looking for something wear. Knowing me, I take quite some time trying to find an outfit. Usually I’m quick, but this time I’m properly sitting down and getting to know his family. This is much more important than some party.

“It’s just not that either. I guess the church is talking about you now?” Mia was typing on her phone while she spoke rather bluntly. “All over town that it’s your boyfriend’s fault you’re this way now.”

I kept looking through my things, clearly more occupied with my clothes than to listen to Mia ramble on about the drama Harry and I are apparently involved in.

Their social entertainment are networks of gossip and where they get all these things are from either Elliot’s mom, Sarah, or Wendoly -- the florist next to our restaurant. They both are tunnels to drama running around town. Shortcuts to getting the”juicy details” that would circle the town and back all the way to the church. When the members of the church are talking about you, you’re officially famous in this piece of shit town.

“So are you going out?” She finally asked.

“Yes,” I answered quickly, picking up my towel and deciding on looking for what to wear after my shower.

“With your boyfriend?” She teased. “I heard he’s gotten arrested before.”

“Good for you.”

“Doesn’t he have a history for molesting girls? That’s what Lenny says.” Mia spoke nonchalantly, unfazed by anything that came out of her mouth. She honestly annoys me sometimes.

I scowled and reached for the doorknob. “Lenny is a creep. And stop talking about that. Being molested is awful and not anything to joke about.”

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