Chapter Thirtynine

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21 more chapters left :s and #19 in fanfic omf i love you all keep voting! thank you!

prepare yourself. Herenity will be tested

i don't even care if Herenity sounds like an STD


 I sat down with a beach hat on my head, chuckling and trying to avoid choking as I sipped grape soda from a blue straw. Niall kept making everyone laugh with his ridiculous stories and unreasonable comebacks.

Harry had insisted that I’d lie between his legs and rest against him, only to give him another chance to hold me. I smiled contently, leaning my forehead against his arm and finding myself laughing even more at Niall, and now Louis who has shown a distinct humor to us all.

The longer we spent on the beach, the more fun the afternoon became. I was thrown into the water multiple times, some pleasant and others really uncomfortable since the water pushed itself up my nose.

“So,” Emily began. “Zayn invited us to a party at his place tonight,” she started, eyes widening just as everyone was about to give their opinions, “but before you all decline!” She spat out quickly, both of her pointer fingers up. “He’s only doing it because he wants to apologize, especially to Harry.”

Everyone hadn’t said a word when Harry snapped, “Well, I’m not going. Good luck with that.”

I’m on the verge of agreeing to this already because of Emily’s pleading face. It certainly wasn’t a good idea to go to this party, but what’s the harm in it, really. Zayn just wants to apologize for the yesterday. I’m trying to be reasonable, and forgive him. Harry, however, only tipped back the beer he was drinking and refused to even give it anymore thought.

At seeing no one was agreeing, Emily looked at me with a frown. A pleading frown, to be exact, that meant she needed my help. To be honest, I wasn’t in the mood to deal with huge crowds and intoxicated, sweaty bodies. I’m definitely not in the mood to argue with Harry about Zayn again.

I sighed. “I’ll go.” I muttered, Emily smiling almost immediately. I felt Harry tense behind me.

Niall was staring at the beer in his hands, looking solemn. “I’ll go. I don’t even know the guy, but I miss the party scene.”

Of all the things Niall has said in front of me, he has never sounded more disinterested. He’ll probably be going to look for some entertainment, which I wouldn’t blame him for. It seems like Emily doesn’t even want to go down that road with Niall. It’s pretty obvious that she’s too caught up in Zayn coming back for her even when it took him like a month to do it.

Louis agreed, seeing as he didn’t have any plans for tonight. Marisol decided that she would just stay home. She didn’t have the energy to go to a party, and most definitely will be sleeping in early. Elliot agreed quite naturally, shrugging and announcing he was in a type of mood to party.

I was more focused on a silent Harry behind me. He hadn’t said another word the rest of the evening. He was probably very upset that I agreed. Surprisingly, he wasn’t making a scene. He seems to be really good at that. Getting angry and causing a scene. He was so disruptive sometimes, but I wouldn’t want to change even that quality about him.

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