Chapter Twentyfour

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A/N: new cover! and on the side is a picture of Serenity once again. enjoy :-)


"Oh shit!" I heard one of the girls yell. 

Renee's skimpy bikini top was nudged down and her breast was in full view. Gasps were heard along with my name, begging for both of us to stop. My hand pulled back as I gathered enough strength to get her to stop scratching at my face. I saw the perfect opportunity to reach over and wrap both hands around her neck, forcing her to the side harshly. The fault in that was she still gripped onto me, and we both went head in first into the edge of the pool. 

Emily shrieked at the sight. "Natalie, hurry!" 

"I'm calling Harry but he's not answering! Should I call someone else?" Natalie asked Clary for advise.

Clary glanced back down at the two girls in the pool, shaking her head. "Keep calling him. It's impossible to break up this fight without him." She was probably referring to the fact that there was no way I'd relax if it wasn't Harry who was demanding me to control myself. 

Wincing, I shook off the intense pain my head suffered. I knew I was either bleeding or there was going to be a swollen bump of pain reminding me of the incident. I gripped tightly onto her shoulders, pushing all my weight down in order to pull her under water. My jaw clenched tightly just as she went to hit me straight on the lips. 

I screeched loudly, feeling at war with pain and fury. My foot slammed into her thigh underwater, causing her to stop floating and her hold against my shoulders to fail. I inhaled deeply just before I felt her grab my ankles beneath the water, unfortunately managing to pull me down with her. 

While I was underneath the water, struggling to breathe and pulling on whatever I could, Clary was on the ground trying to reach either Harry and any other male they could call. Natalie was desperately on the phone, horrified as she watched the two figures beneath the water struggling to end one another. They called a few times over and over again, never getting an answer until the fourth time. 

"Hello?" Harry finally answered. 


Louis, his cousin Luke, Niall, and I were all scattered around the living room drinking beers and watching the football match on Louis's flat screen TV. I couldn't think of anything better to do now that Serenity was hanging out with her obnoxious girlfriends. I always hated them all. Except for Emily, maybe. Emily was okay. Other than her, I hated each of them and had no intentions of ever coming near them. 

I didn't have much to do before Louis called me over and said he was watching a game with his cousin and Niall. I've known Niall since I was in high school. He was captain of the swim team while I was captain of the football team. Nevertheless, we were both rebellious and used to crack jokes in the middle of class. Most of my detentions were served with him sitting in the seat next to me. We lost contact for a while before I found him back here with Louis. 

Just another touchdown was made -- Niall enthusiastically jumping off his seat and yelling -- my phone went off. I reached into my pocket, laughing at the argument Louis and Niall were having over the score. I pulled out my phone to see an unknown number. Whoever it was had to wait, since the game just got much better now and I wasn't wasting time making conversation with anyone. I ignored the call and stood of my seat, screaming at Louis in agreement with Niall. 

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